What are you doing blizz? replaced echoing reprimand with a worse version that costs more points overall? auto thistle tea taking control out of player hands? still have the useless shadowheart talent?
i still dont understand why they are forcing shadowland abilities into spec trees. when everyone is trying to forget shadowlands happened in the first place.
Super charger has its moments of fun but the problem is all it really does is saves you a few globals.
The new ER is just a worse version of Subs weaponmaster talent or Outlaws mastery MG.
The Thistle Tea change is a mixed bag. The passive is clutch for Audacity/HO/Crackshot builds with the passive energy for Outlaw. But for Assassination you still are going to be using it as a CD and not as a passive for the mastery.
If they are going to force the garbage into the tree, the least they could do is make GSW playable, or give us Celerity back as a talent option. Or, you know, make our tierset not basically completely ignore our biggest CD window.
Imagine forcing a talent build down someone’s throat, doubling down on it repeatedly, then intentionally making a tier set that entirely ignores that design, and pretending it’s helpful.
The extra BTE damage doesn’t exist with a Ace/Crackshot reset since you aren’t hitting generators, causing it it performs worse as a result specifically if you do well in that window, since you aren’t hitting generators to line up the next shot. Punishing the player for good luck and play with less procs of damage just shows how terrible these people are at designing our spec.
For what it’s worth, it made me giggle.
I at least appreciate SnD becoming a full passive i can finally unbind.
For CDR it still has its uses so I don’t see myself unbinding it when playing Outlaw. As Sub even then you need to use it at key moments.
Assassination? Yeah I don’t see a reason to key bind SND to be honest.
As assassination it’s going to take some getting used to to not need to cast S&D anymore. Having thistle tea be a passive will also feel really strange. I’m not really sure how it’s going to feel. But I’m staying with it because I like the gameplay more than outlaw. (Bring back combat!!!)
Echoing Reprimand is awful and taking thistle tea out of our control may be good thing not a bad thing. Rogues need to reduce the amount of bloat, not keep adding like they have been. Now, I am not exactly comfortable about the thistle tea, but it does remove some bloat. Hopefully it wont be a complete disaster. I wish they would have automated something else and left that tbh.
idk as a pvper, timing tea to line up with a stun lock/go feels bad if it auto procs, like what if i get energy starved right before im hit with a CC? i lose the uptime on the mastery buff coming out of the CC, and during the time i couldnt play my character i would have regained energy anyway.
The tea can still drink normally
just passive use when below 30
for assa if it to that point i think you do something wrong
for outlaw it maybe good but do we really need a tea?
idk about sub maybe good or bad
hows this becoming a thing?
You no longer need to use SnD to get the buff, it now applies when using a finisher, even if you dont have the buff active beforehand.
While you can use it to get a long duration early, it just aint worth it anymore, so its essentially a passive now.
You can do a long duration SND with super charger though but yeah it is basically a passive now for the most part.
Time to think of what my new free keybind will be set to.
I actually liked 3 point echoing reprimand. F
Same. Shift-spacebar is now open for business.
Super charger I think works better than the old ER. For Sub and Assassination it is fine but a little clunky for Outlaw.
… mine was 6. I think its gonna stay empty.
It’s not really a passive, per se, it just goes off automatically when you get really low. Whispyr of Wowhead/Rogue Discord says it can be safely macroed with Shiv–I think you lose something like .2% of damage. Certainly that’s what an old man like me will do.
Wow, I hadn’t thought of shift-spacebar. I am really bad at keybinding.