11.0.5 Sub Rogue

Hello. I have two points of feedback that I’d like to hopefully give to the developers currently working on rogues in 11.0.5. One set of feedback is admittedly not realistic and almost definitely won’t happen, and is more of a wishlist item, but the other I think is more feasible.

First, the more feasible point:

Sub Rogue is the spec about big burst, big finishers, and hard hits. Eviscerate does currently hit hard, but there’s a problem. Normal Eviscerates are split up into 2-3 separate damage events, which makes them less satisfying and difficult to quickly judge how much damage they did.

It’s fun to play Assassination for a boss, then check Details after and say “Oh neat I hit for a 3.5mil Envenom”. Compare that to Sub, where instead I have to be like, “Ok, so the Eviscerate hit for X amount, then did an extra bonus 30% damage from Find Weakness for Y amount, then did another 20% bonus damage from Shadow Blades for Z amount, so just add that up and…oh neat I hit a (x + y + z) Eviscerate”.

I’m not asking for any gameplay changes here, I’m just asking to find a way to rework things a bit to remove all of these separate damage events. I just want to press Evisc and see a single big a** number pop up on my screen, that’s why I’ve always preferred Sub. And frankly, this whole “shadow ninja” direction for Sub is lame anyway, I’d be totally happy to just go back to being primarily physical.

Trickster compounds this problem, I simply can’t get excited about using a Coup De Grace when its damage can be split up into like 9 damage events. I know it’s doing good damage, but it doesn’t feel like it’s doing good damage when it’s so divided.

Secondly, the wishlist item:

Wrapping back to Sub being the spec about big finishers and hard hits, I would personally prefer to go back to a time where Combo Point generation was a bit more limited, but finishers felt more powerful.

Pressing 2-3 Eviscerates in a row during cooldowns is fun, but we’ve long been trending in the direction of quantity over quality for finishers, and I think it would be great to walk that back some. I’d be totally happy pressing Eviscerate half as often if it hit twice as hard.


it’s all that shadow damage

they could just go the route of making it all deal shadostrike damage or something, similar to holystrike damage. then have CDs and find weakness buff that, straight up buff, no more " evis deals x extra shadow damage"

or they could do smth cooler with find weakness, where it changes your attacks to deal shadow damage, and have straight buffs to shadow damage

there’s options