11.0.5 Paladin Bug Report/List

Currently on the PTR I’ve been testing prot and it’s littered with bugs not even allowing us to test some new talents and other issues that have been prevalent for awhile.

  1. Hammer of Justice CD keeps INCREASING when I use word of glory, last week I had manage to get it up to 6 days of CD from using my rotation and testing.

  2. Eye for an Eye does not work at all, at least on any of the dummies that attack or in duels. Can’t get the damage to pop up on details or in the combat log.

  3. Guardian of the Forgotten Queen pvp talent is still bugged from TWW Beta. The Queen randomly just does not work when it spawns on myself or an ally, I’d say it has about a 25% success rate.

  4. Avenging Wrath is not allowing Hammer of Wrath to be used regardless of the targets health. This wasn’t documented anywhere in the patch notes so I have to assume it’s a bug.

I’ve submitted bug reports on the client and have posted some here, but I wanted to consolidate it all here. Will update this thread as I find more.

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  1. Hammer of Light resets the swing-timer.
  2. Shield of Vengeance resets the swing-timer.
  3. Will of the Dawn’s passive, a permanent 5% speed buff, does not stack with active speed buffs. (Passive speed buffs are supposed to stack with active speed buffs.)
  4. Illumine, a 20% speed buff with high uptime, does not stack with active speed buffs. (Compare this to Judgment of Justice, another edge case, which does stack with active speed buffs.)
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