11.0.5 Pack Leader Feedback

Survival Pack Leader seems to be struggling to keep pace with Sentinel and Beastmaster seems to be struggling with AoE in general. Below are a few changes I would like to see for Pack Leader in an effort to improve these issues by salvaging some of the more fun aspects of Survival that are being lost in the rework and incorporating them into Pack Leader:

Vicious Hunt - Kill Command prepares you to viciously attack in coordination with your pet. Your next Kill Command strikes up to 2 additional targets and you deal an additional X damage split between them. Damage increased for each additional target.

Pack Coordination - Attacking with Vicious Hunt instructs your pet to attack with their Basic Attack along side your next Raptor Strike / Barbed Shot.

Every third pet Basic Attack is a guaranteed critical strike, with damage further increased by critical strike chance.

Wild Attacks - Enemies struck by your Vicious Hunt are marked as Prey. Your Raptor Strike / Barbed Shot hits up to 2 additional targets that are marked as Prey and your Raptor Strike / Barbed Shot deals 10% more damage for each stack of Howl of the Pack to enemies marked as Prey. When your Raptor Strike / Barbed Shot hits an enemy marked as Prey, the effect is consumed.