11.0.5 Ice strike change

I enjoy both specs of ENH, so I don’t have any skin in this game, but that poll has way to small a sample size to have any meaning.


All I know is it’s finally a ptr that launched with shaman stuff so they have the whole ptr to tune and balance. It’s not like usual where they do shaman things the last couple of weeks then send it live. There’s plenty of time for more changes to their proposed ideas. If that happens or not is still to be seen tho


I am in agreement with Phatymcdaddy. This is just round one of the PTR, and they actually launched with Shamans in mind. There will be Nerf’s, adjustments, redo’s and a lot of complaining until they launch…

We will just need to see where we end up. I like the Totemic changes, some of the base changes are hit or miss so far. So lets see just how the tree shakes out.


Please keep ice strike an active ability

I think a happy mid ground here would be to make it a guarantee that spending maelstrom turns Frost to Ice Strike. It can keep the 40 yard range.

They can balance the numbers around that.

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This is the reason why people hate split specs even though in theory there is nothing particularly wrong with them, and having 2 different playstiles in 1 spec is cool.

Because of frankly garbage design like this, where due to one build everyone loses.

Honestly, as i’m using the spec on the ptr i’m liking it less and less compared to live.

This is just a worse version of something we already have, please just stop blizzard.

The reason why i was excited about hero talents and tww was not because you would then destroy everything else you build up to this point. Just wtf are you thinking here? Who the hell was asking for enhance rework? People who don’t play the spec? If this is the direction tww is going, im not impressed.

How about you focus your effort on specs that actually need help instead of ruining the good ones?

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What are you even talking about?

The direction this is going is already cause for worry, did you read the notes?

Just because shaman is getting touched doesn’t mean it’s good, you have to actually read wtf they are changing. And if this is the start, it’s already pretty clear that what they have in mind is not good for enhance, and that the end result is probably gonna be bad.

When someone starts a test, and they screwed up the first 10 answers, you don’t really expect that they are gonna do well in the end. Because why would you? They already screwed up. The logical assumption is that they probably don’t know what they are doing.

Yeah, it’s not definitive at all - but it certainly gives an indication of what actual enh players enjoy. Insinuating that people who enjoyed elementalist as-is were the “vocal minority” is just dead wrong.

Two of the people who liked your comment are the normal crying over nothing, no experience enh players anyway lmao


People who pull the “i’m the majority” or “vocal minority” argument are usually just people who don’t have a strong enough argument themselves, and therefore try to appeal to something bigger than just their own argument.

Elementalist enhance is awesome, and there are definitely a LOT of people that like it, me included.


I don’t like the primal elementalist nerf. I got used to p-wave generating 10 stacks. Oh well.

There is almost nothing good about these changes.

There are a few good changes, greatly overshadowed by a the bad ones.

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While you’re right in general, that’s not even the case here. They’re just nerfing the wrong thing. If they want to fix this for Stormbringer, all they have to do is change Static Accumulation from “20% chance to refund spent MSW” to “20% chance to not consume MSW” and they’ll have done it without impacting any other builds.


Yes, that seems to be the best option.

It keeps the great gameplay relatively untouched. if they have to nerf something.

Talent tree design is very narrow, you get like 33 pts to put into 36 talents.
Id really like it if they could just make ice strike optional, its easy, divide the talent and its effects into 4 or so talents and slot it on one side of the tree.
This should be the default design of talent trees, pick a branch to focus down and allow players to pick which abilities they are passionate about, not choosing which 1% passives you dont want.

This is one of the worst takes i have ever seen, this is just asking for problems.

How would it even work? You have a talent tree as wide as the ocean but each talent is extremely minor? Or you would have to overly specialize into one aspect which is also extremely bad. Did you even think about how this would work?

Choosing 1% passives? Have you ever taken a look at the enhance tree? Or many talent trees honestly?

sounds good to me

Or… Combine Ice Strike and Lava lash together on that ice strike CD of like 12 seconds, let it work with hot hands and call it (Icy Hot Hands) boom!!! mic drop


LOL! Good suggestion, though.

Ice Strike change is awful. Has big negative implications for pvp, not being able to access a slow when you need it, because you proc’d

And no have no way to access a slow if you can’t melee

Ice strike is 40 yard range when you proc it on beta.