11.0.5 Enhancement Shaman Feedback

I’m starting off optimistic with very little time testing.

  • Frost Shock into Ice Strike feels good to me. Great that Ice Strike keeps Frost Shocks range, so I can still use it during movement parts of an encounter. Also helps with overall button bloat. Like that it still buffs follow up frost shocks (and doesn’t lose hailstorm effect)
  • Feral spirits choice node (witch doctor vs flowing spirits) - love choice nodes where I get to choose to be lazy, while more active players can still choose to push buttons if they want.
  • Doomwinds new visual is subtle but cool. Mechanic is just a nice ol’ AOE.
  • New talent: Lightning Spark, missing?
  • Crash Lightning’s range changed to 8 yards (was 12 yards). Why?
  • Molten Assault’s range changed to 10 yards (was 12 yards). Why?

Overall, pleased so far.


  • Like the new Lava burst visual
  • Like the lighting strike visual when you activate Doomwinds & Ascendance (more lighting is better)
  • Don’t quite understand new talent: Lightning Conduit. Do we just randomly get faster at any time in or out of combat?

Stormstrike is still dealing physical damage and not stormstrike damage?

Overall I would say these changes are a mixed bag. The range loss on molten assault is going to feel bad.

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Personally I think this is more negative than positive. Here’s my initial thoughts seeing these the first time.

Flowing spirits- Awesome except this should be a new node. This is going to go one of two ways, it’s proc rate is decent and thus MSW is greater than WDA so it’s way better and WDA never gets used again, or it’s proc rate is so low its damage boost doesn’t make up for the lost MSW generation. Really just wish this was a new node instead of a choice.

Lightning Spark- Sounds cool EXCEPT it’s now one more proc to monitor and we already have so many. The flame spread portion seems pretty useless. We aren’t usually opening with chain lightning and since it’s only a chance at becoming Tremor Shock, it’s not something you can depend on to stack the flame shocks. Once flameshock is applied you’ll use lava lash enough to keep it up on max targets. Pretty much all builds run lava lash now exactly for this. Unless it’s 100% dependable every pull to apply the flame shocks that portion is near useless.

Molten Thunder – Okay I guess, but with TWW M+ dungeons being mechanic fests the AOE incap is pretty useful at buying time for a interrupt. Also once again another proc to monitor. Staring at bars or weakauras playing proc/cd whackamole isn’t fun gameplay imo.

Ice Strike- Decent change, gets rid of some button bloat, but AGAIN it’s another proc to monitor. Is this some secret experiment to see how many procs people can handle before they go insane?

Doomwinds- Seems good, it’s nothing but a buff so nothing to complain about.

Arc Dishcharge- I like this way better than the choice node. Plus not having to cast chain lightning twice is very nice.

Thorims Invocation- Big nerf it looks like, losing 20% damage on our biggest damage dealers is a lot. Not sure the increased ascendance or DRE is going to make up for that big of a nerf.

Supercharge- Massive 33% nerf.

Chain lightning crash lightning CDR- 50% nerf, not sure this needed such a huge nerf

Crash Lightning’s range- WHY? You just buffed it and it felt good, there are plenty of packs with casters that don’t group into a tight ball and being able to actually hit them all is great.

Molten Assault range- Same thing, why did this need nerfed? It was basically QOL and this nerf just makes gameplay worse.

Primal Maelstrom- Massive nerf that was really unwarranted. A lot of builds weren’t even taking this with the splintered elements nerf. This makes Primordial wave feel REALLY bad to use. Having it generate 10 MSW was great for openers, now you can’t use it like that making all it’s sub talents not really worth the talent points.

Witch Doctors Ancestry- 50% CDR Nerf and this seems due to Stormbringer, which makes zero sense to nerf a spec talent due to a hero talent. This just makes totemic even worse.

Flametongue Weapon damage increased- Buff it by 200% and maybe it would matter. Flametongue does so little of our damage that 20% is nothing. It’s sole use is procing Hot Hands and existing for Elemental Weapons. Make Flametongue actually useful or remove it from other talents so we aren’t held hostage from using other weapon buffs that are actually good/useful.

New Ascendance forms- Look hideous and massively break class fantasy. I really hope we can choose the old form or no form at all. This is an RPG and I want to play my character, not some elemental banshee clown.

Totemic Changes-

Totemic Rebound- MASSIVE nerf killing build diversity. This talent alone allowed storm build to be used with Totemic, this change completely guts that. Also we use spenders FAR less often than stormstrike so keeping the surging bolt damage the same is a ginormous nerf. On top of that it’s still only a CHANCE?

Imbuement Mastery- Big who cares? Oh we get to do flametongue damage to everyone? But flametongue doesn’t really do damage so a useless talent. Also with the gutting of stormstrike in totemic rebound storm build won’t be used with totemic and thus the windfury buffs aren’t really good either. Only storm builds truly benefited from this talent and with storm gutted this talent either needs scrapped or reworked to make imbuements actually good.

Whirling Elements- Why is the earth benefit for flame shock? This is also a big ??? given you’re adding Tremor shock. Also the number needs buffed because at 22% spell power that’s 88% spellpower, Chain lightning does 73% base. So for a capstone to do barely more than a base chain lightning is pretty bad. The surging bolts are better than the previous version but still meh.

Totemic still isn’t attractive to me because you need to plop a totem down every 24s, not fun gameplay for melee, and it locks you into several class talents. It really feels like you’re trying to force totems to work and they really don’t with enhancement. Same goes for imbuements.

Class talent tree still has several talents that are mostly or completely useless for enhancement. You removed flurry because it wasn’t useful for ele/resto but you left the caster ones for enhance? There is nothing really fun or interesting in the class tree where other classes have some cool class changing abilities. Meanwhile we get 15% better imbuements, that are bad.

Storm build needs some buffs. It’s currently way worse than elementalist in M+ and these new changes seem to make this all worse. Buff stormstrike damage and make it actually stormstrike damage. That’s an easy win that’s been asked for for a long long time.

All the MSW talents are basically required at this point. When you’re forced to take talents it’s no longer you choosing and that feels bad. Either bake them into the spec or add some competitive talents. Personally I think having any resource based talents is a huge balance issue since you either generate more than enough making them useless or not enough making them mandatory(rogue suffers heavily from this).

Overall a few wins, a bunch of what?Why?, and a whole lot of losses. If this is a rework it’s like a 3/10, it doesn’t accomplish much and just adds to proc/wa overload and RNG(because we didn’t have enough of that already).


In testing, frequently had two wolves going and at least once, had three up. so far i’d say it’s better.

Hailstorm makes it so that you’re using frost shock regardless, so no need to monitor. Felt more like a passive buff.

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Currently what wolf spawns is tied to the ability that procs it, and since were being pidgeon holed into elementalist builds 90% of the time its going to be the fire wolf that does not benefit our spenders. Its actually really bad lol

Because the devs remembered that shaman exists. You know the old shaman way. Nerf it to the ground, then nerf it more.

I mean considering we are spamming LB/CL 99% of the time i’ve been finding most of my wolves have been lightning

Continuing the discussion from 20th Anniversary Update PTR Development Notes:

Who asked for it? Something so necessary for enhance rotation and they remove it for no apparent reason.

Who does this benefit, having to use more WA to be able to track these buffs?

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Except the changes push you way further into playing a hot hands build where most of your gcd casts end up being lava lash

My feedback for enhance is to drop everything they have done and do nothing rather that doing this.

While there are a few good changes, like the choice node with bones, the vast majority are REALLY bad.

Just pretend as if this was a bad dream and never let it come to live servers.

Rather than focusing on specs that already feel good to play and ruining then, focus on specs that actually need help.

This was a stain in an otherwise pretty much immaculate track record since df for enhance. Seriously, do nothing at all if this is what you came up with.

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I just wanted to tack on some thoughts/feelings.

Spec Capstones- with the nerfs to Primordial wave sub talents it’s not really worth more than a single point to get Pwave. We are forced into feral spirits due to MSW generation and their big damage buffs. That leaves ascendance/DRE, which some people don’t like for various reasons like their damage being tied to a longer cooldown/powerup or breaking immersion/rp(especially the new forms). DRE is pretty much locked to Storm build so elementalist build is forced into Ascendance. We really don’t have any capstone variety or choice anymore. Everyone will have feral spirits, 1 point into PWave, and then the rest in ascendance. We either need a new capstone branch or Pwave reworked/buffed to give us any variety or choice.

Enhancement as a whole suffers greatly from “forced” talents and leaves us with very little choice. You’ve got the center 3 maelstrom talents that every single build takes because they are must haves for the spec to even function decently, swirling maelstrom as well. Elemental weapons is a must take, which makes Windfury weapon a must take alongside it’s MSW generation. If you’re doing any AOE then crash lightning and it’s sub talent are musts. Feral spirt and sub talents are obviously musts, unless it’s single target and you’re storm build then you’ll not take alpha/elemental. The only real choice anymore is are you going all in on lava lash or all in on stormstrike. Feels kind of bad to only really have a handful of talent points with any real choice. It basically boils down to our mainstays have no real alternatives and Stormstrike/lava lash have way too many talent nodes dedicated to them. It’s obviously something that won’t be changed in a .5 patch, but something to keep in mind going forward with enhancement design.

Storm build needs buffed in M+. Totemic was storms best performing spec and the changes to totemic have deleted that as an option. Storm Stormbringer performs way worse compared to Stormbringer Elementalist, by a lot. The only thing that really changes that currently is doomwinds aoe being seemingl uncapped, so in situations where there is a massive pull it will pull ahead, but in normalish pulls it’s going to be far behind. It’s 1 minute cooldown just kills it as a storm alternative to Fire nova/Hailstorm. Molten thunder gives a little more AOE to storm since storm gets more stormsurge, but frankly the stormsurge difference isn’t enough to bring it up to Elementalists damage. Plus then you need to give up Sunder as utility, which I really hate especially in the TWW dungeons where there are too many casts to stop. Not sure how you can buff it but it needs buffed. Otherwise it’s looking dead as a build except for a hybrid Single target raid build.

The nerfs to splintered elements and the massive nerf to the instant 10 stacks of maelstrom from P Wave are making enhance worse as a spec. Not sure why these are even being considered but it really makes investing points into P wave a waste and restricts build diversity.

Doomwind increase the duration of the buff to 10 seconds !

HAILSTORM should increase the damage of your Next Frost Shock OR ICESTRIKE since they are the same button now !

Make Stormstrike to deal NATURE DAMAGE not physical

The new Icestrike atm is terrible for PvP , there is now DEAD AIR within the rotation.

Relating to recent changes.


  • Unrelenting Storms feels amazing (single target of course). Love seeing the lightning crash and a flurry of windfury strikes. Can’t speak to actual dps numbers
  • Stormblast. Yes!!! Another Stormstrike charge. Never change this.


  • Voltaic Blaze feels weird. I don’t really want to watch Flame Shock for it to proc. Also, Lava Lash already spreads Flame Shock. Basically it makes this just an occasional aoe dmg ability. Would be much better if this proc’d on Lava Lash instead of Flame Shock (same conditions though).


  • Arc Lightning is still called Arc Discharge.


  • It’s now possible to have a smooth rotation without any fire, but don’t know if it’s actually viable. (Stormstrike primary builder + Frost Shock/Ice Strike & deeply rooted elements route)
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Doesn’t feel weird , it hit hard and for PvP its really nice because it gives us a longer window of burst when we spend tempest we can now Voltaic Blaze then frost shock (hailstorm/icestrike modifider) , been hitting for 800k crit with the ability on the PvP dummy , doesn’t feel weird to me.

Hey bro, that was my opinion about how it feels to me and you can’t change that.

It you like it, that’s ok too.

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Two charges of Stormstrike is a massive win. It will make storm builds a lot smoother to play so you aren’t constantly feeling like you’re in danger of wasting Stormstrike resets.

Stormstrike still needs to deal Stormstrike damage. Come on man


Great changes overall, but two big critiques:

  1. Please allow Elemental Blast to proc Voltaic Blaze and Deeply Rooted Elements. I don’t want to be pigeonholed into Lightning Bolt just to use these talents I like.

  2. Please make Stormstrike deal stormstrike damage already.