11.0.5 Disc Priest Feedback

-Spec tree still has too many 2 pointers. This is causing choices to be a bit too limited. The disc spec tree is honestly amazing, I love pathing through it, but when you get to the bottom it is just slightly too limited. Need a little bit more flexibility.

I would ask for one of either Harsh Discipline or Blaze of Light to move down to a 1 point talent, and Expiation to move down to a 1 point talent. This will allow Disc priests to have 1 extra point on the bottom with a meaningful choice between 4-5 talents assuming Expiation also moves down to a 1 pointer.

-Ultimate Penitence in PvE is still too risky. You can get killed by this way too easily. Somehow we are ascending into the air (and look very awesome doing it) but we can still take damage from swirlies that may spawn underneath us. On top of that once we drop down from being in the air we can land right in a mechanic that spawned underneath and we have no control over that. Usually things are happening when the raid or group needs healing, and being in the air for so long can just end up trapping you even with good planning.

I’m just going to throw out ideas, not necessarily suggestions, devs will know better here. 1. Allow movement while flying with Ultimate Penitence, idk if technical issues limit this but this is the perfect talent for flying around in the air for its duration, it would be incredibly fun and allow the priest to dodge whatever ground mechanics are happening. 2. Make the priest immune to damage while in the air and for a very short duration after landing (2-3 sec maybe).

-Oracle hero talent could still use a bit more damage added to it in PvE. Voidweaver mostly blows it out of the water with damage, and its okay to have one be better at straight healing and one better at doing damage, but the difference is a bit too much on the damage side. Maybe it can increase Penance damage further or allow Penance to do some cleave damage like hitting all targets effected by purge the wicked/shadow word pain, I’m not sure but it needs a bit more in this department for PvE.