11.0.5 Deeply Rooted Elements (Elemental Shaman)

Testing out all the changes, this talent seems like a completely wasted capstone now. Enhance and Resto still proc DRE on stormstrike + riptide. These are spammable abilities with low cd. Builders, not spenders.

Meanwhile in elemental shaman land…8% (same as when it was tied to lava burst) on our spenders. You marginally buffed maelstrom generation, but this was just a massive nerf to any fire playstyle.

I recognize a lot of people do not like the RNG / proc playstyle. This one worked fine for pvp especially. I propose you either:

  • Switch it back to lava burst, the nerfs for pvp offset any burst concerns
  • Massively increase the proc rate
  • Allow lava burst to be spammed while in ascendance as well, being stuck on the 3x cast feels bad