11.0.5 Arcane Mage Feedback

Ideally everyone can try to condense their Arcane feedback to a single thread.

Aethervision: This talent is great, and bakes Arcane Charges refreshing on Arcane Barrage into the specialization itself. Very nice.

I have some concerns with how the tooltip is worded. Right now, it states that Aethervision is only granted if you consume Nether Precision with Arcane Blast. This led me to the first thing I wanted to test: What if you consume Nether Precision with Arcane Barrage? Right now, Nether Precision increases the damage of Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage, so there are situations where you want to consume Nether Precision with Arcane Barrage e.g. in Sunfury with Glorious Incandescence or in AoE in general.

However, the current implementation does not reflect the tooltip:

  1. If you cast Arcane Barrage on 2 stacks of Nether Precision, 1 stack of Aethervision is granted and Arcane Charges are cleared (unless Glorious Incandescence or 11.0 tier set bonus is active).
  2. If you cast Arcane Barrage on 1 stack of Nether Precision with 1 stack of Aethervision, the Arcane Barrage benefits from Nether Precision and consumes and benefits from 2 stacks of Aethervision, refreshing 4 Arcane Charges.

A 3rd case where I manually canceled Aethervision after the first Arcane Barrage from the 1st case, then cast Arcane Barrage on the 1 stack of Nether Precision. This resulted in 0 Arcane Charges and just 1 stack of Aethervision. The Implementation is a bit wonky, but it works better than what I feared from the tooltip alone.

My primary feedback is that I do not want to have Aethervision work as it is stated in the tooltip, but rather similar to how it is currently implemented. It will be very frustrating otherwise in AoE situations and with other Arcane Charge refresh mechanics such as Glorious Incandescence.


I think that Aethervision likely needs a shorter duration, likely 3-4 seconds. If it stays at 11 seconds we likely will end up with rotations stackjng Aethervision and NP for large barrages, increasing the amount of things to track.

Reducing the duration may seem like a nerf, but it would encourage us to use the buff sooner rather than sit on it for a more opportune time. Leaving it this long I think may lead to degenerate min maxing

I disagree, as it is now you have flexibility in how to barrage. For instance instead of always doing AB - AB - Barrage after missiles you could (with eila’s suggestions especially) AB - AB - missiles - barrage - ab - barrage depending on cc procs.

I agree that it has more flexibility, but I think if they intend this talent to just replace the cadence of double dipping currently it won’t land right. But I think this talent for other reasons like (like slinger splinter generation) won’t replicate the rotation we currently have.

I also worry with that flexibility and how many barrage modifiers there are it might be significantly more onerous to play. With actively tracking NP, AV, burden, and things like Harmony stacks we could get huge barrages, but have a lot more things to track.

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The fact is that barrage modifiers need to be reduced or remove and barrage as a baseline spell needs to be brought up.

With the massive nerfs to clear cast proc amounts, stacking to 20 for arcane harmony for an actually meaningful barrage feels awful. Most of the time you won’t get the 20 stacks.

So reduce arcane harmony to 10 stacks for the same benefit, buff arcane orb single target damage and halve its cd, and make Barrage with an early talent refund 2 charges.

I also don’t get why arcane charges decay in PvE, it feels awful to lose them in between RP.

Brainiard and Porom also suggested at some point Arcane Blast be reduced to 1.5 sec cast baseline and make adjustments accordingly, which would make arcane charges a lot less bad to build up.

Either way, Arcane Barrage feels anemic and overnerfed unless multiple overlapping buffs from several talents affect them. That is wrong for our supposed spender spell.

I’ll also say arcane explosion is abysmally undertuned, and arcane missiles with the talent should always cleave. Remove the double arcane explosion on clearcast and just make missiles cleave. Reduce the tuning of the aoe cleave if necessary afterwards.

Splinter Storm also needs to be a 100% clearcast/brain freeze. For a hero talent capstone, 5% chance for a proc might as well be a placebo effect.

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Leydrinker: Granting Leydrinker with Touch of the Magi is a great addition to make the effect more consistent when it matters. However, there are issues with how Leydrinker interacts with Touch of the Magi which will hinder the viability of the talent unless it is fixed.

The Leydrinker effect does not contribute towards the accumulated damage of Touch of the Magi. This bug makes the change to guarantee Leydrinker during Touch of the Magi pretty lackluster. Since Arcane deals most of its damage during Touch of the Magi windows, Leydrinker will be significantly disadvantaged compared to other talents that do not have this issue.

It is not just Leydrinker that has this issue. It appears that any effect that causes spells to “echo” its damage does not contribute towards Touch of the Magi, such as Magi’s Spark. Furthermore, since both Leydrinker and Magi’s Spark “echo” the damage of Arcane Blast, these effects do not benefit each other. Leydrinker is severely hindered by all these missing interactions with other effects.

In my opinion, Leydrinker should be changed such that it simply increases the damage of the next Arcane Blast by 60%, and then cleaves onto four nearby enemies for around ~40% damage (roughly equivalent to current values).

Magi’s Spark: Only the first tick of Arcane Missiles into Magi’s Spark benefits from Magi’s Spark. A change was announced during beta that made it such that when the target was first hit by a tick of Arcane Missiles, a 2-second window would occur where all ticks of Arcane Missiles would benefit from Magi’s Spark. However, this change never made it into the live game.

That said, I am not a fan of this implementation. For Touch of the Magi windows not paired with Arcane Surge, you often do the following sequence (depending on buff state, timing, etc):

  • Arcane Missiles → Arcane Barrage → Touch of the Magi → Arcane Blast

The issue here is that Touch of the Magi is applied to the target while there are still Arcane Missiles in the air toward the target. This is not an issue on the live game, because only a tick benefits from Magi’s Spark anyway. However, with the 2-second window implementation, you would waste several ticks of Arcane Missiles that could have benefited from Magi’s Spark.

Arcane Echo: During the beta, Arcane Echo was changed such that the effect had a small cooldown on it happening. This would been a prudent change in Dragonflight when Arcane Echo was procing constantly due to spells such as Nether Tempest, among other things. However, Nether Tempest does not exist anymore, which leaves Arcane Echo with an underwhelming and underutilized effect.

In my opinion, the greatest casualties of the Arcane Echo change are Arcane Missiles and Arcane Familiar with Energized Familiar.

Because of the cooldown on Arcane Echo, only some ticks of Arcane Missiles procs Arcane Echo, instead of every tick like it was in Dragonflight. Right now, even with effects such as Arcane Debilitation and Arcane Harmony, it is not worth it to fully channel Arcane Missiles. It does not make sense that Arcane Missiles is this weak even with this many effects that benefit each tick of Arcane Missiles.

On another note, channeling spells such as Arcane Missiles or Mind Flay is not satisfying. It is awkward and overly punishing to try and time the end of a channel with your next spell, trying not to lose a channel tick but also avoiding gaps in casting spells.

Lastly, Energized Familiar. This effect is extremely underwhelming in no small part due to the inability to proc Arcane Echo on each hit from the Arcane Familiar.

Arcane Debilitation/Prodigious Savant: My feedback to these talents will always be that it feels awful to have these 2-pointer nodes preventing us from accessing the fun and interesting effects. They do not need to have the value of the full two points baked into a single point. Just make them 1-pointer nodes, but keep it at, respectively, 0.5% and 20% for Arcane Debilitation and Prodigious Savant. Just let us access the other effects more freely.

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All your feedback was top notch. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who expressed frustration with only the first tick of arcane missiles contributing to Magi’s Spark, and not the whole wave.

Secondly, I love, love Savant. I just can’t seem to have enough points to pick it because I’d give up voltage for charge contribution, arcane harmony for barrage and you can’t give up Magi’s Spark or bombardment.

Hopefully with the new barrage giving charges, then voltage won’t become necessary.

With Aethervision providing a lot of charge regeneration, some of our capstone talents are losing some of their potency. I don’t think this is a problem with Aethervision, but would rather see the other talents get buffed to compensate.

High Voltage: With barrage now granting charges due to Aethervsion, this talent feels pretty lack luster for being a bottom row capstone. This talent was used to gain charges after barraging, but we no longer need to do this. I would recommend it buff missile damage, or interact with arcane debilitation, maybe making it extend further or “charge” the debilitation in some way. As it currently stands, I don’t think this talent will see any play.

Orb Barrage: Part of why orb barrage was so good was the chance to instantly refill your charges. I think with Aethervision, we may not need the refill nearly as much. Although the orb damage is nice, it’s not a ton in the grand scheme of a dungeon.

I would move the 15% increased orb damage from charged orb and add it here. I worry that with out it, if we don’t need the charge generation we may end up not taking this even in cleave scenarios as Sunfury, as we’ll have ample charge regeneration and other talents may be better DPS overall. Spellslinger will still likely want this for the additional splinter generation.

It just feels odd for the main benefit of the capstone to be replaced by a tier one talent.

Again, this is not that Aethervision’s refunds should be changed; I do like the refund. I just think that these 2 bottom row capstones need to be buffed to make them feel impactful for this.

We need further consolidation in the arcane tree, and you can start by pruning all those talents that make Barrage actually viable to press and baseline them.

The fact we need so many talents to prop up barrage, missiles, and orbs so we don’t just devolve to Arcane Blast spam tells you how undertuned all the spells are relative to Arcane Blast.

And the current state of Arcane Explosion is criminal. It outright feels like a trap spell.

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In order to make it so Spellslinger Arcane also does not lose shards based on the queueing change, I’d also like to propose Aethervision generating 1 shard per stack consumed. This would make it equivalent to 6 shards per combo as it is now (blast for 4, barrage generating 2).

Right now, with this going live as is, Spellslinger is losing a large part of its shard generation by not being able to double dip the barrage. This may be offset damage wise by the charges refunding, but less shards means less storms and orb procs, just making the spec feel less fun overall.

Please make arcane orb procs only affect targets in combat.

Buff Spellslinger, please. It’s 15-20% behind Sunfury.

I thought hero talents were supposed to be viable choices, but if you have a gap anywhere over 5% it really doesn’t become a choice. Even a 5% gap is pushing it.

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Agreed!!! it need a buff

Please consider adding Arcane Rebound to the Arcane tree. Arcane needs some sort of uncapped AOE other than Arcane Orb in it’s base kit that isn’t as reliant on Hero talents. You could delete Static Cloud, or better yet Energy Reconstitution in favor of it and it’d be a giant W.

Or make Arcing Cleave baseline and slot it in there.

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