It’s not that bad as long as we ignore that aldrachi reaver exists and could become the only viable option at the whims of blizzard if they ever feel like aldrachi isn’t getting played enough and we need a good old dose of variety
in the form of absolutely gutting felscarred or overbuffing AR.
I think encounters are not designed around it (and they shouldn’t), and as such the playstyle will never really work as it should.
Specs that attempted something similar (WW Monk in MoP, Outlaw rogue with KS) have all been received with massive criticism, because it just doesn’t feel good to play around it. So was Havoc in Legion, with the original Momentum inception being nerfed into irrelevance until DF (with only one tier in between in which it could be played, but pretty much nobody did).
After so many years playing the spec I got used to it. There was a tier I played Ret paladin in DF and it just opens your eyes how easier is to play literally any other melee in comparison to Havoc.
The main issue for me with the playstyle is that there’s no reward tied to it. You’re just doing your normal DPS when playing the talents, which is balanced towards the rest of the classes, and if you’re not you just don’t do damage.
The moment something shows up that negatively affects the mover playstyle, there’s absolutely nothing to prevent it, and at the same time, there’s nothing that rewards Havoc for playing it correctly.
It’s basically a “neutral at best, massively negative at worst” situation, that I personally think needs work.
The use of Fel Rush for a DPS benefit isn’t any where near what it was in the past. Due to almost every build using Inertia instead of Momentum, you are not trying to maintain a buff like in the past. Instead you use it for that short 5 second window of a DPS boost and unload the big hitters within it. Honestly, if people just adjusted their camera angle to give a more top down view it wouldn’t be that difficult or dangerous to use our movement stuff in an offensive manner.
I loved AR during the beta but once we got to live, if was DOA and FS was the only real viable option.
I’m sure the dev that made the recent changes is patting himself on the back knowing he saved aldrachi reaver
These changes will make no difference, as the primary probably with AR wasn’t really it’s damage. It is with how badly it handles down time off the primary target.
That’s what I’m worried about, and it seems like a decent number of people are too. If blizzard comes in with “it’s time for aldrachi’s turn” energy and just starts hitting the tuning knobs it’s not going to make people happy.
Technically Aldrachi is ahead on pure ST patchwork with no mechanics, 0 adds and no downtime. The sim for Aldrachi is inhumane and has around 80% uptime of buffs but humans can only get 60-70% uptime of buffs. Fel Scarred is still a lot better and everyone will play Fel Scarred. I wouldn’t surprised that Aldrachi will have 0% usage for both M+ and raid
Well no Dev will see this here they do not come to GD. This topic belongs on the Class Forums. THAT is where Class Devs go for Feedback. If your going to put class feedback in GD you might as well write your opinions/thoughts down and burn them
Your post Belongs here. Be smart. Just move this thread to there. Especially if you want class Devs to see it. No one but players will see it in GD. GD is NOT for feedback. Never has been.
I am aware. I know that this set of buffs will do probably nothing in terms feeling like you should or shouldnt play AR. My main concern is the next set, or the one after. If blizzard wants people to play aldrachi for whatever reason they can keep sending buffs to at least force it to happen in raid, which people won’t be happy about.
Good point. I was tired and force of habit, thanks for reminding me.
You’re straight trolling if you think anyone reads class forums lol
Devs are literally paid to do so. Just like they are paid to read Bug Reports
Class forums is where class feedback goes. Period
Nevertheless OP moved it.
Playing Havoc ‘correctly’ in PVE is already a 19 ability deep rotation with virtually no room for changes because deviating from the rotation even a little bit upsets the house of cards because Blizzard thinks Demon Hunters are supposed to be damage toilets. So help you god, if you move even slightly you start pissing all over the seat and the crap’s going god know’s where.
Fel Scarred wins the day, as a result, because all it really does is make Metamorphosis more powerful. Ok, neat, great.
Alrachi Reaver is bad because it only works in theoretical situations, around perfect play, with RNG not parting cheek on you. You have to harvest 6 purple farts to super charge your glaive throw, after which you have to use chaos strike and then blade dance (AND ONLY IN THAT SPECIFIC ORDER!) while the target is under the effect of essence break (which only lasts for four seconds, so make sure you’re already in demon form) or else you’re doing sub-optimal damage.
And in this season, DH’s have decidedly mid damage to begin with. What is probably the most complex DPS rotation in the game is giving you mid damage. And if you do the rotation badly, you don’t deal 10, 20% less damage, you’re swinging for about a quarter of what you should be doing.
It’s exhausting. It’s also why I’m not running havoc in any serious PVE content.
The problem is that Demon Hunters really need a second DPS spec. Havoc is fine as a high ceiling / high skill DPS spec but it’s super contentious for anyone who wanted the low barrier for entry, uncomplicated DPS spec it was originally billed as. And it seems like Blizzard keeps making Havoc more complicated and makes any deviation from that complication a massive downgrade in performance.
Yeah I’m sure the countless threads in the class forum that get ignored are definitely read. The actual place you give feedback is hope a top streamer reads your comment on stream and relays it to blizz. Nobody reads these forums and nobody read the beta forums
You are not helping. You are just talking out of your rear. You think what you will.
While you are at it OP? Copy you OP and Paste a Duplicate it in the PTR section too. Since this is constructive feedback on a current PTR Build. Might as well cover your bases
Id call it Aldrachi Reaver Feedback in the PTR section
For me it’s not about the danger, it’s about needing to parse “okay I need to be roughly this far back or tac backwards (thus keep a lookout behind me) for my setup.”
Like I said, I don’t necessarily mind it, but it’s more attention budget than I like for M+ specifically. In a raid setting or open world (or even Delves) I’ll run it gladly.
For they should use the vengeance demon hunter mechanic that pulls all. Soul orbs in.
That way you don’t have to looking around for those orbs that buff AR.
Or am I still. Thinking this is what needs to be done as that’s how it was in beta.
Did they change that?
Aldrachi has that on felblade. The tree is still miserable to play, because that was the bare minimum change needed to allow it just to be even somewhat bearable in single target.
Just make it so that the throw glaive morph auto boomerangs and sucks them in.
Why they want to insist on a diff skill to collect them is bad design
The upgraded throw glaive is triggered by consuming enough soul fragments, so having it be what brings them in to you wouldnt really work. Chaos strike is the rng way of generating them outside of CDs, so having it be the one to bring them in wouldnt make much sense. You wouldnt want it on blade dance because then it’s on CD just before your reaver’s glaive combo. There are issues with adding it to just about each button, but it needed to be done to have the tree at least somewhat functional in its current design. Having the tree be based on soul fragments AT ALL though is bad design for havoc.