11.0.2 Updates—Now Live!

13th is the Patch Scheduel, while EA is on the 22n, let’s be real, but what do you think they will change during that period of time?

It’s just that there are way too many bugs on beta right now for this to be the release patch, jeez.

You mean like the Ship in the Hallowfall dungeon not being there every now and then for some people?

What bugs? That are just the regular nerfs to the game itself to make it a bit harder. :clown_face:

I mean, technically, the Bugs can get fixed and still be the same Patch which they will probably do and they will not be announced as bug fixes, as they are technically not supposed to be there when it finally launches.

The incompetence at this company is embarassing. How dumb is this dev team lol.


You get a nerf, you get a nerf EVERYONE GETS A NERF!

I wish they’d fix the basic operations of the guild bank that has been in place what 15+ years but now is broken.

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Why nerf Paladins and DKS? Why!?

Instead of nerfing those classes why don’t you fix the character select screen mess?


How many more nerfs is this talent going to get before you just delete it? Affliction and Destruction are getting big buffs while demo is going to continue to be dog water.

  • Demon Skin now creates an absorb for 0.12/0.24% maximum health (was 0.2/0.4%) and may stack up to 5/10% of your maximum health (was 8/15%).

What is TWIW? You mean TWW?

  • Holy Infusion has been removed.

is this intended? This likely kills the builds people have been playing on the beta so far and might make us casters again which a lot of ppl dont like

Honestly, cant say here due to TOS.

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This is in fact the changes that have happened on beta since they built the live 11.0 patch.

We do not get a balance patch during the pre-patch. We never have. They SOMETIMES do a stealth nerf when they make something completely broken, like when they buffed holy shock so much it was one shotting people in pvp but that’s about it.

They do not balance the game around non-max level. They have balanced things around level 80, not 70.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to tell me right now.

Ah yeah my b, thanks!

Yall freaking out about these patch notes provides me with so much laughter and entertainment. Thank you all.

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States that cross-realm guild bank is now available. Still broken.

Aug 13th, look at the notes.

“Now available” starting next Tuesday :smile:

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