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Still trying to figure out what a Meta quest exactly is… Can we be told what that is or what kind of quests are now considered “Meta” quests?



I am wondering a few things here, Mostly if the Devs get a kick back for nerfs or if they have a quota to meet every x pack and they where falling behind on players actually having fun? The Hunter nerfs, while they are a bit over tuned, here are INSANE! Massive number drops accross the board.

We bring nothing to a raid of value, we dont have a raid wide buff, We have Lust that is also brought by 3 other classes, we have no battle rez cause they took that to! What do we have other than Mobility and DPS!? Why would anyone bring a BM Hunter to a raid? Come on Blizz! Give us a break!


Yeah I said in my post that there was mention of it on the warlock and bug forums. But didn’t see an official blue post about it even being an issue anywhere? Have they actually addressed it? Or are we screaming at clouds?

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Yeah, but what about Radiant Echoes boss DPS?

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  • Holy

Holy Infusion now increases the damage of Crusader Strike by 50% (was 25%).

Holy Infusion has been removed.

Um, wut. Like, I’m all for Holy Infusion being removed, but these are contradicting each other

…some of them nerfs

Gunna see how it all shakes out with Hero Talents, but yeeesh.

Why is it so bad that Hunters are at the top of the damage charts? Are you Jealous or something? So the top teir, twinked out, no lifing players are toping them…But thats such a small percent of the player base. We have nothing but being able to move well and DPS. We being no raid buff, Battle Rez or anything of real raid wide value to any end game. So let us DPS, let us be at the top. If you played a hunter, you would be there to. I remeber in Legion when Demon Hunters where amazing at Everything, Not a bad thing about the class. Maybe you are due for a round of nerfs, just to be safe.


Oh and this is not the launch of the expansion early access is the week after this goes public and the public will have access the week after early access.

I’m not the one who nerfed BM hunters lol.
Jalanili asked a question, I offered what probably lead the devs to make such changes.


They are basing numbers off spread sheets, a small percent of the player base. We have no Hero talents and have fill tier sets based on Dire Beasts…Ofcourse our numbers will be high. THey are messing up here, big time.


This is confusing :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Flanking Strike damage reduced by 40%.
  • Flanking Strike damage increased by 10%.

Is it that one is the player portion of the damage and one is the pet portion?

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It is not bad, but i’ll repeat myself for the 3rd time now.

These changes are coming out of the last Beta Class Changes, with all the New stuff like Hero Talents, T-Set, Trinkets, Crafted Gear and what not and during that time Beast Mastery Hunter was not just Top by a bit, it was Top by almost double in overall DPS.

Where People did 600K at the end of a Bossfight, Beast Master did 1.2 Million, so obviously that get’s nerfed BY A MILE

htt ps://imgur.com/a/1tKWV07

Now, let’s be real is that Fair in anyway?


Why have the nerfed the daylights out of Prot paladin & Buffed Prot warrior to the moon.

What is wrong with you.



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No one has hero talents and are 4 pc as well. As much as I love playing BM, it’s ridiculous right now and could stand to be brought in line. We’re still going to be fine.


We can’t have anything nice lol SoD or TWW


Is it fair that they are making these nerfs based on current stuff, When we have full tier set that is based on Dire beast and calling them in quickly? Top of the DPS Charts for how long? Once the tier set bonus goes away, We will be at the bottom of the charts. Who knows how long it will take them to buff us back up. Basing nerfs on something that is about go to away is a very poor design choice. 3 weeks, New X pack lunches. BM Hunters will be at the bottom of the charts because of these nerfs, Making it less fun for players and less likely to be brought in to Raids and M+, not that getting in to them outside of the LFR Is easy to begin with.


There is brought in to line, something that is 100% Fine. I agree. Then there is these numbers. 33%, 25%…A balance out is OK, this is a flat out nerf dude! Its a bad design choice.

  • Beast Mastery
    • Pet melee damage reduced by 10%.
    • Laceration damage reduced to 8% (was 15%).
    • Kill Command damage reduced by 20%.
    • Huntmaster’s Call Hati and Fenryr attack damage reduced by 33%.
    • Dire Beast damage reduced by 10%.
    • Smack damage reduced by 10%.
    • Stomp damage reduced by 10%.
    • Barbed Shot damage reduced by 25%.
    • Laceration now has proper support attribution.
    • Fixed an issue with Territorial Instincts summoning an extra pet when talented into Animal Companion.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Laceration to contribute 100% of pet critical strike damage instead of 8%.

That 610 item level log in the comment you’re replying to was not current stuff. That’s beta.

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