Given the many Expansion Leak names the question is asked: what would or what should the next expansion be called?
Given or put on the table the many data that we have, there is talk of: expansion of pirates, uldaz queen azshara and nagas, ancient goddess xalatah and the void, there is talk of a battle of light and void, Bfa.
What do you think the Blizzard developers should name the next expansion?
Bellular He named it wow voidscarreds according to him, but it’s his opinion and for you: what should the next expansion be called?
Edit: I hope blizz doesn’t make the same mistake they did with the Bfa expansion.
11.0 name should be, “Pure Disapointing Garbage”
What does a level 30 know about maximum level
what does a level 70 tauren know about assassination rogue’s rotation?
World of Warcraft: Another One
A Tauren wouldn’t have to be Rogue but you see
World of Warcraft: Return to the Shadowlands
We should name it…
WoW 11
Next is probably Void or Light, which… ehh
I’d like something cold weathery. Iskaara was mildly cozy.
They’ve got to milk the nostalgia again, a return to WotLK, so they can ruin all that stuff. They can call it “World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Part 2: The Wrathening”
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Next expansion will be named:
World of Warcraft: The Void from the Light
Take from it what you will.
Next expansion title will be…
World of Warcraft: Please Come Back!
Wow: todos regresaron de nuevo 
The Shadowlands Garrison of Draenor !
World of Warcraft: Marry SueSylvanas Returns
World of Warcraft: The Search for More Money
World of Warcraft: We Hear You! (starring Horton the Elekk)

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world of warcraft: the windrunner sisters. WATCH THE FORUMS BURN.
Oh goodness, is it already expansion speculation time again?? I feel like we were just doing this!
World of Warcraft Too: Two Many Warcrafts
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