11.0: This is crazy, and if the nagas become playable?


Leaks Season has started again, huh?

I give, ‘Voidstorm,’ a 1/10. Nothing remotely interesting. Honestly, bringing Thrall back as the World Shaman, again, right after getting an empowered Black Dragon Aspect in Dragonflight, would be a supremely bad idea.

The entire premise for this, ‘Leak’s,’ concept is scraping together the bottom-of-the-barrel bits and pieces of unexplored WoW lore and shoving it together in an expansion. What do Kezan, Tel’Abim, and Karesh have to do with one another? Nothing. So it’d be a pretty bad idea to suddenly decide they have a lot to do with one another.

Such a poor quality leak they didn’t even give names for all the zones. “Unnamed Underwater Zone,” is a dead giveaway that it’s fake. By now not only are the names for all of the next expansion’s zones decided, they’ve probably been more or less completed outside of questing.


 Leaks season is sometimes fun if only to have something to ponder when bored.

Thing is there sometimes comes a leak that is dead on. Makes me wonder if someone from HQ purposefully leaks it to build interest.


The next expansion was leaked already - it takes place on Tel’Abim and centers around the conspiracy by Y’saarj’s living finger to distribute void infused bananas to Azeroth to corrupt its denizens to join his cause.


You gotta stop believing, and stop posting, every leak you read.

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Playable ships? Hell yeah, can’t wait to roll a Schooner Disc Priest.

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It’s certainly a good way of getting around the limitations of Naga being Naga. If the 2 forms are actually a choice and not an auto-force thing with combat anyway. Let the naga people be nagas. Pretty scale-elves for everyone else (including people who would otherwise be mad they cant transmog properly). Elf form for mounts to avoid the weird tail-wrapping-around ideas people have spat out in the past for Naga mounting.

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They’ve already crossed the threshold of limited transmog with the scaly bois too so I could see it

When it comes to “leaks,” that particular Youtuber has a history of making up absurd “leaks” and speculation videos to the point that seeing anything they say likely means it is completely false and not going to happen (Playable Dreadlords in Shadowlands? Seriously?). If I were to guess, all that is done for clickbait views if anything.

All I can really say is that when it comes to farfetched “leaks” being spun, I’d prefer to see Farfetch’d leeks being spun:

Hopefully Blizzcon will come sooner than later so we can actually see what is coming in the near future. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

To be fair, content recyclers have nothing of substance to say so they need to extrapolate on every single little splat they come across to remain active and not die off forgotten by internet culture

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If the next expansion is anything besides Classic+, I’m going back to RuneScape.

Unfortunately, it will be.

Classic is Blizzard catering to what players want, rather than what their devs want to create. They can’t exactly stop retail from progressing without losing all their retail players.

Classic+ would have to be its own separate project, run by a separate group of developers, and it’d have to deviate from retail in significant ways to pull more players. Story, playable races, class options, etc
 And not everyone would be on board for that. How quickly would the Horde die if we got Classic+, but Paladins/Shamans remained faction locked, or instead of the Horde getting Blood Elves, they got Goblins, and the Alliance wound up with High Elves?

At least with retail you expect crap going into it. Classic+ will rub a lot of people the wrong way regardless of what they do with it, since everyone would want something different from it.

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To all reading:

Fair warning that this poster has put up multiple assumed “confirmed leak” threads for the upcoming expansion. It is just for their amusement.

You’re welcome

They are just speculations they are not Leak

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You really want to play ignorant

Several days ago you made a thread about “new playable races!” In the upcoming expansion, leaked to be called “Lights of Avaloren”, and you were asking why it wasn’t gnoll for Horde.

You then made several other threads, one saying a leak was that Vrykul would be playable for Alliance.

You then made another thread barely a few days after saying “11.0 WORST expansion yet because it WONT have new playable races?” - like seriously dude?

And now this one onto the pile.

You’re desperately trying to do some clickbaiting game and the majority of the forum users (and system) have already caught on. Shoo

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This is crazy talk.

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

No, I actually do.

Development teams being out of touch with players is an incredible risk, and if that’s going on, it would make sense to evaluate internal structure on how to align product goals with player expectations. I don’t think that is the case though, because what stops the game from “being there” comes down to Systems are designed for ease of iteration instead of depth of play. Developers aren’t wildly different beasts from the average player and management would be quickly tossed out if they weren’t following the crowd.

Since vanilla, the game became increasingly simplified for the sake of encounter design. If you push the slider out and add in some extra loot piñatas, you can get high returns on relatively low effort. So “creative” work went into reducing incremental development overhead as a top priority. The flattening of the player experience was an unforeseen consequence and is costing immersion. (Now, there is a separate conversation on whether immersion is a critical driver for engagement and if short-term engagement can be an engine for long-term brand loyalty, but we’re ants.)

Your next line seems correct though. There is a risk in losing retail players. In the same token, they risk losing them every time they push Trader’s Tender into a cash shop bundle too. Trying to simply “hold on” is causing attrition, and there’s a real cost-benefit to getting ahead of resent. It takes years to build brand loyalty, and only one Shadowlands to destroy it.

All that aside though, you bring up incremental development against for Classic+. And then list out all the incremental developments for Retail. Systems like transmog doesn’t need to be added. New race and class combinations can stay on the sidelines. If you want these things, there’s a retail for that.

But then what does Classic offer?


Dragonflight hits a few moments especially early on, but as the game wanes to systems and great vault weekly logon bonuses, all that work on Immersion is traded for the obvious treadmill.

Classic+ should not be expanding the same treadmill. It should be a focus on the Social and Exploration elements that Retail has traded away for an over abundance of Action and Achievements. Adding more quest lines, especially group quests that chain out over a lot of content—legendary questlines for more classes. A new raid, such as Stormwind Prison or Mount Hyjal or Karazhan or even The Dark Portal (two would already be in Retail but can be made to better fit the Classic themes of Social and Adventure instead—and experiencing them at level 60 would be truly epic).

There is a separate game there. And I wish Retail could be the place for that game. But sadly, there is no game in that game anymore.


Sorry tried watching some of their streams and honestly, I might put more into it if Doron would take the marbles out of their mouth, might be worth listening to but not likely

The forums love to say this, while simultaneously hanging out on the WoW Forums; Maybe the worst source for useful information about WoW possible.