11.0: pls blizz make the vrykul race playable

I only ask one thing before the November blizzcon announcement comes out. Please make vrykuls a playable race. They are perfect to be playable, I leave the video.


Yes, but only if they join the alliance, we really need something cool after the terrible allied races that we got


I think the vrykuls have a lot of potential if they shrunk the size of the vrykuls just like they shrunk the size of the zandalaris to make them playable


I’ve been wanting this playable race for a long time. I hope it happens but make it like Pandaren where they can play either faction.


If they shrank them enough to fit into normal doorways they kinda wouldn’t really feel like vrykul any more, at least not to me.

That being said, I would still play a large human with that body style.

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Horrible idea. That’s a major part of the race. They need to be huge. Otherwise it’s horrible.

Ogres for Horde and Vrykuls for Alliance. It’s the perfect pair of races to come together as playable. Both are giant races and both are the origin of the main race of each faction.


I’d re-roll and main a Vrykul in a heartbeat. I’ve been wanting to play one since Wrath.


Id say just the opposite. The one thing we dont need is more humans.

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The humans in WOW are the literal descendants of the Vrykul. How are tall humans cool?

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Vrykul are ugly, ill mannered, smelly and always drunk. This is why they’ll make an excellent Horde race.


Absolutely. What WoW really needs for new races at this point is Vrykul for Alliance, Ogres for Horde and eventually, Neutral Naga.

That’s a rap.

Then I hope you don’t mine not getting into buildings.

Has more playable races than any other MMO, still people demand more.

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Which is why I capped it after the rest of my response.

I will express my opinion and answer your question, and the answer will be: have you been to the beer festival? There you will see ogres the size of a human, And answering if we can shrink the vrykuls, the answer is yes, because the size of the zandalaris, which were giants, was reduced and having said that, the size of the vrykuls can be reduced.

rofl. and what, make them so very weak?
look what they did to dracs… they made a race with wings that can’t fly due too wah wah cry baby ion.

It should have happened following Legion after Sylvanas tried to enslave Eyir. The Tideskorn would totally have joined us!

See elfs, we have like 4 playable elven variations and people are kinda happy with em, let we have more hoomans

And Vrykul are cooler than OG human (Taller, beefy, Viking vibes) and full of interesting lore and potential

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I wasn’t really questioning if it COULD be done, of course they can be shrunk; they would have to be to fit into a lot of places.

I was just registering MY opinion that they wouldn’t feel as much like Vrykul to me if they were shrunk too much.

I would still play a large female character with that body type.