11.0: It's time to ask for a playable race!

Yeah, it doesn’t interest me, I think there are other better options. But I do think Blizzard could create an Ogre race that is more akin to the playable races and it would make a lot of people happy.

I mean all they’d have to do is base them on kultiran rigs and you’re already close to done.

Yeah, I never thought of that. I think they’re unintentionally the Ogre race.

Ogre mages would make more sense then Orc Mages since Ogres are smarter then Orcs.

All races are getting all classes eventually so meh.

Two-headed ogre would be so much fun…


As an alternative, can I have updated racials instead?

my kingdom, my reality, my universe to play as cool buff dragons

I’d really love nerubians or naga.

That would have made things politically very complicated, given the future king of Dun Morogh is half Ironforge dwarf and half Dark Iron dwarf, and therefore also the future king of Shadowforge City and Blackrock Mountain.

edit: Or did you mean, like, actual IRON iron dwarves, unfleshed titan constructs?

Gonna be the devil’s advocate here and say that I think we’re over saturated with races now. I don’t see the point of more. Racials aren’t even that big a deal most of the time.

More classes or specs is fun.

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Playable snails.

We have three times as many races on retail as we had in vanilla. They need to focus on things more important than something that causes mass malding every time it’s added, or at the very least add new races instead of NPC races that five people would play.

Really, has there ever been a race added post-vanilla that people have been completely satisfied with? It feels like Blizzard can’t add a single one without complaints that they should’ve done something different, and it’s only gotten worse. If it’s not that it should’ve had a specific cosmetic option (worgen tails), it’s that it should’ve been on the other faction (Dark Irons being on Alliance instead of Horde), and if it’s not that, it’s that it should’ve been a similar race (high elves over void elves) or even a different race entirely (sethrak over mechagnomes).

There was one datamined hint that they would be playable (Heart of Azeroth animation) that amounted to nothing, one minor storyline where the Alliance interacted with them that also amounted to nothing, and about a million things indicating that they weren’t on the table (no ability to wear gear, no associated rep grind, etc). The eternal seething over the Alliance not getting a race they were never promised, and at this point don’t really deserve, would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic.

Has there ever been a single piece of art, in any media, that all people have been completely satisfied with?

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Has there ever been anything added that people have been completely satisfied with? No matter what happens there’s always people on GD moaning and groaning.

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I move we keep voting for tuskarr and gnolls are so cool

I’ve always adored Dryads <3

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Counterpoint: naga are cool, tuskarrs are dumpy old men and gnolls are just uglier, fatter vulpera.

Edit: dryads are also cool.

Tuskarr are great because they like to fish and are stocky; and gnolls are great because while they kill you they laugh out loud.

Goo goo g’joob