Personally, I don’t foresee a new class in 11.0.
It would be nice if they added different specs to existing classes…
Gladiator for Warrior,
Earthwarder for Shaman,
Ranger (melee/ranged hybrid, no pets) for Hunter,
Chronomage for Mage (possible healer type).
Privateer would be good for Rogues. A more pirate style than Outlaw. Maybe a dual pistol wielding sneak. Or the other way around, make Outlaw the gunslinger and give privateers the swords. Could be interesting.
Super Hunter. Here is an artist rendition.
If they focus they can be as good as any healer, dedicated caster, or even melee. Bards are extremely versatile in how they can be built. Talking 5e, but face roll generally goes to any class that uses Charisma as it’s main stat. Really it’s the last fantasy niche that WoW hasn’t really touched upon.
rogue outlaw is a land robber who uses agility and pirate or corsair is a sea warrior who brute force combined with sea elements and unlike the rogue who wears leather, the pirate wears cloth armor and relies on his stamina and drinks like the monk to take hits. could say more if i bring the full page on the pirate or privateer class that D&D has in the game
Hear me out, instead of a new class, customizable Guild Ships. Like a guild hall but that be moved around the world and used for missions/content/profession etc., fully customizable, with sails displaying your guild’s colors. Could even be a guild vs guild pvp mode where both ships perform boarding actions and turns it into a BG.
Will never happen, but I think it’d be cool, if were gonna go with the whole pirate/maritime themes and ideas being thrown around.
They could skip the class and just give us a pirate starting zone for anyone, as an alternative to Exile’s Reach.
I supported blizz since cataclysm, I never said it’s not a dumb class when the dh and evokers came out. I liked all the expansions even though they had a bad plot like Nzoth. I supported When the ship was sinking in shadowlands. and I will continue Supporting the next expansion even if the playable pirate or corsair class doesn’t come out and even if it’s not about pirates the expansion because I like wow and I won’t say oh it’s going to be a stupid expansion, no Because I have fun just the same.