110-120 Heirlooms are undertuned

Just upgraded a fair chunk of my heirlooms. There’s a pretty massive oversight in the fact that using an heirloom helm, shoulders, chest results in a massive power deficit, and not just from the loss of Azerite Traits.

On several different characters I tried on at various levels from 110-120, equipping the heirlooms resulted in a loss of 100s of primary stat and stamina. This left me significantly more squishy (this priest’s health pool decreased by about 25%, and damage slowed too. It’s obvious the world is tuned with the assumption that you’re using Azerite gear throughout the leveling process.

This left me in the position of swapping Azerite gear in for doing the quests themselves, and then equipping the heirlooms for the hub turn in. Very clunky and unintuitive design, which I can’t imagine is desired.

Hopefully this is something they can address, or I can save y’all a couple bucks if it sounds like too much of a hassle for you.


Agreed, I just made a topic about this. Heirlooms should be AT LEAST as strong as regular questing gear.


I also just posted about this. Yes I have figured out that you cannot quest with them because of the deficit. What I have to do now is equip the regular gear until I go to turn in the quest. Before I turn them in I equip the heirlooms and then turn it in. Common blizzard we shouldn’t have to do this for any equipment. If its so hard to recalculate the specs, then give us a re-usable Enchant that we can place on each of the questing gear that will give us the XP bonus.


Don’t you know that you’ve paid to have less power and fun? /sarc


Isn’t this how it’s been in every recent expansion? Heirlooms start out OP at the lower levels but as you approach the last 2-3 expansions they start to level out.


It’s about a ~30 iLevel decrease, from what I’m seeing on my Alliance guys.

I don’t really care, and will still take the +20% exp bump from shoulders & chest heirlooms.

But, yes, it is a sorta significant iLevel difference.


In this case it’s a little different than in the past / just ilvl. If I decrease an item by 30 ilvl in any other slot, the stat loss is in the dozens. For some reason, the Azerite pieces seem to be given a stat budget in the 100s of stam and primary stat higher than a normal item at the same ilvl (compare your chest to pants for instance), and until the heirlooms were introduced, there were no items alternative to the Azerite ones… meaning that for a mob tuning standpoint, having the heirlooms equipped in those 3 slots results in losing roughly 500-1200 stamina, and 300-600 primary. That’s a pretty huge number hit considering the ilvl and stat squish.

All the other heirloom slots work just fine because the competing items don’t have that built in allocation of 100s of stats that Azerite does.


Cool, cool, I hear you.

I have not actually tried levelling my 12 x Alliance guys (between 111 and 119) with heirlooms yet. (Instead of Azerite armor in shoulders & chest)

But… Unless it indeed takes more than +20% longer to kill a mob, it will still be “worth it” to me.

We’ll see how it goes though… And I may end up doing the “equip heirlooms only during quest turn-ins” thing, too.

Even at low lvls they are not op anymore.

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That’s fine. I’m not talking about them being OP. I personally like that they’re in line with other gear gained at each comparable level because it doesn’t mandate their use in group settings (i.e. someone in a dungeon with heirlooms is 3 times as strong as someone without them, which was the case for like… 8 years).

The issue is that the content of 110-120 is tuned with Azerite in mind, and that the heirlooms for those slots are not even in the same ballpark as those items… meaning the content you’re engaging gets a significant advantage, maybe even negating the benefit of the heirlooms except for quest turn ins.

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I just upgraded legs, ring and cloak. The hit from not having azerite gear in 3 slots isn’t worth it.

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If we don’t want to have to constantly swap gear pieces out, this seems to suggest that…since it’s unlikely Blizzard will take measures to correct the situation…we will be limited to about half the available heirlooms with experience bonuses. Meaning, the cloak, legs, and ring (and for the lucky few, a second ring)…adding up to a 20-25% ExP bonus.

I suppose the upside will be that I won’t be spending as much gold on heirloom upgrades as I thought.

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Working as intended.

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Can’t say I am surprised how underwhelming heirlooms are but I suppose it fits the expansion theme of being disappointing.


its fine . the + plus 30 % exp is worth it cause scaling.

I put my Azerwhooie stuff in my bags and will re equip at 120.

with blue bar and incursions its so fast its not a worry.

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yep I did the math. I have nearly every piece of heirloom you can get, it works good below level 90.

No way I am spending 50k+game gold making what amounts to crap gear, though swapping out before turning a quest in makes some sense. I just don’t think it will make enough sense to spend that kind of gold for gear that makes alot of content unplayable.

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This was brought up weeks and weeks ago, but despite a blue post on the topic Blizz basically shrugged it off with the blue post saying the “gain” in secondary stats should offset the loss of azerite traits. Clearly they were oblivious to the fact that you lose a ton of your primary stat and stam, which was also noted in that same post.


I started up my rogue. Just hit 112 last night and no issues so far.

I recognize the issue of no azerite traits though but haven’t felt it yet. My rogue was between ToS and ABT geared so had a decent leg up, but all the heirlooms overpowered his gear from the start I believe.

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For reals, heirlooms should be the same quality as dungeon blues, but they lose quality over time as you level up.


I don’t know why they would spread this lie when multiple azerite traits give several times more secondary than the base secondary stats on the heirloom gear. Tradewinds gives 467 mastery, blightborne gives 768 crit, bloodrite gives 373 haste.

Those are just some of the traits that everyone can use, some classes have their own traits that give a few hundred.