10x Glad XP Healer LF Rank one push

Hello… ive achieved various gladiator titles since Wrath of the Lich king all those years ago… As I am getting older I want to really try for rank one which I’ve never done. So I am looking for people with similar XP to push with. Healer class here, evoker/priest main. Thanks guys <3 Leave Bnet here or add me Seanyboy#1220


How brave!


q into this guy basically every season for the last 3 expansion

he owns


:smiling_face_with_tear: Love you

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What comps are you looking to play?

I’ve been glad on all 3 hunter specs. Happy to play any of them.


gratz on picking disc priest- how did you know??

stupid post
stupid male elf

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I mean that’s what he always plays.

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