10v1 RBG 1400 mmr

I was just in an RBG with only 1 alliance enemy. It was an easy win, but it was a very weird glitch. Our team was confused and I honestly never seen anything like it. What I believe was weirdest was he had only 24k hp. Like he was trying to gear in an RB but got placed into an RBG. Has this happened to anyone?

Carry group dropping MMR probably. Nevermind forgot you said 1400. That is already to low :joy:

It happens, I’ve heard people say they’ve had entire teams just not queue at all and won automatically.

Suppose it depends on the sale. If they’re gearing a fresh character, sinking below 1400 might have been their intent?

Also possible his team DID queue with him, but bailed on him last second. Possible, though unlikely.

So i’m not sure how relevant this is. But one of my regrets on my account is that I paid for an RBG carry way back when (I’ll never pay for a carry again as there was 0 benefit to it, and now there’s just a gear benefit, but your won’t be a better player and people will know you paid for it). But back than we would join a group and when the q pop’d one person would go in and see if it was the correct other team. if not they would tell us not to go in. Could it have been something like this or did Blizz fix this?


You would still lose the bg and points. So wouldn’t give them any benefit.

Not a glitch. Carry group dropping mmr. Or someone trying to win trade. The remaining player generally stays for the honor.