I got the october 2020 update, i couldnt find may 2020 2004 on its own, it said it comes with it, and graphics are up to date, and It says not available?>
It’s a massive fps hit anyway, I had to turn it off.
Can confirm, I have a 2080 Super and I drop from 90-100 FPS to 20-30 if I turn on ray tracing. In Raid and dungeons it’s not as bad, but still very noticeable. Imo don’t even think about Ray tracing unless you have a 3080 or 3090.
AFAIK, the ray-tracing feature is not available at all for GTX cards. It’s only compatible with RTX cards (so 2060 and up).
Edit: I stand corrected! https://www.polygon.com/2020/12/8/22163526/minecraft-rtx-ray-tracing-update-release-date-patch-notes
However… I would not recommend it. Just look for “RTX shadowlands” videos on YouTube, sadly, you’ll see there’s not much of a difference whether it’s enabled or not.
Isn’t ray tracing only really compatible with the 3000 series? My friend says it looks nice on a 3070, though.
The tech isn’t on the 1000 series. I have a 1070 Ti, though I wouldn’t enable it anyway.
Its only for RTX cards so 2xxx and 3xxx series along with the new AMD 6xxx series of cards. However with AMD the games that support it are thin.
Edit- the tech is there for your 1070 ti but not on the hardware level. Crytek has a tech demo you can download and run which uses software to do ray tracing.
I’ve not tested WoW, but I have played Minecraft on an RTX 2070 and my god… It is something else, purely amazing.
Oddly enough… If you can get your hands on one, the 3000’ series only cost a fraction of the 2000’ series.
It’s literally just shadows. Don’t see the reason to ever have that on
I was waiting on the scalping to go down before trying for a 3070. After seeing its performance and price, I decided against the 2070S, since it was so close to release.
Same here, massive hit and barely any noticeable changes. Lipstick on a pig.
Agreed. The only difference I can tell between it off and it on high is a FPS hit. It might be worth it when they expand on it more but right now it’s pointless.
I turn it off on an RTX 3080, looks virtually no different for a massive FPS hit.
If you look closely enough there ARE extra shadow details with it on, but for the most part they are pretty subtle and easily missed if you aren’t looking for it.
oh well another technology to leave at “disabled” just like SSAO
i hope theres at least some ppl somewhere that enjoy ray traced wow ; otherwise it was a waste of dev time to implement it at all.
It’s not really worth it. Not if you’re running a GTX 1080 in your system.
Ray-tracing is only affecting shadows for the moment, and it takes a heavy toll on your FPS. I’m running an RTX 2070 and I can only have ray-traced shadows enabled on the lowest level before I take larger FPS hits, and even the lowest setting can still impact if I go into areas with lots of shadows.
If you’re desperate to have ray-tracing, I’d recommend upgrading your card. Anything in the RTX 20 series should allow you to go to the first or second tier of ray-tracing in WoW. Above that you’ll want a 30 series at a minimum.
*cries in 980 ti
Still, can play in k, around 50-55 fps
Pretty sure Nvidia drivers optimise raytracing from the 20 series onwards.
There was more of a difference before 9.0.1. On 9.0.0 we still didn’t have indirect shadows, which RTX gave, but now on 9.0.1 we have indirect shadows without RTX, albeit at a VERY low quality (squares everywhere), so the impact of RTX is lessed.
imo performance is similar with Fair RTX + High Shadows vs Ultra Shadows RTX Off, but Fair RTX + High Shadows looks better.
honestly ray tracing isnt all that its cracked up to be, turned it on once in bf5. Just noticed different shadows and a massive fps hit.
Damn y’all have good gpus. I am still on a 1050ti
I sometimes do paper tracing though