10.2.5: new Pepe models in dragonflight

Datamaning new Pepe models in dragonflight for patch 10.2.5 are adorable, but you have to know where they are going to be located.


Don’t care. And why don’t I care??? :arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small:

STILL. :clap: WAITING.:clap: ON.:clap: ACCOUNT.:clap: WIDE.:clap: PEPE.:clap: CUSTOMISATIONS.:clap: BECAUSE.:clap: IT.:clap: IS.:clap: RIDICULOUS.:clap: THAT.:clap: WE.:clap: HAVEN’T.:clap: GOT.:clap: IT.:clap: BY.:clap: NOW.:clap:


Pepe sits on Laeuko’s head

Pepe is love.

We all love Pepe.

Yes, let Pepe customizations be account wide please.


Account wide Pepe costumes would be an awesome addition. Maybe it will be a warband feature.

We need Pepe to be a Warband perk. Make it happen Blizz!

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