10.2 Things


Also, there seem to be two “Sky Captain” Transmog Ensembles (1 labeled Formal and the other Masquerade) but there’s not a visual on them yet. Curious to see what it ends up being.

Easy majority of all items are very Emerald-Dreamy. I’m not a fan typically of that aesthetic, but there’s some really nice items.

Also, hello Draenei Hunters…


They’re certainly super-cool, and I hope we continue to get more cool stuff that pops, but I wanna know, when are we getting more things like the Manari Skull/Head offhand from the Legion Demonology Artifact? Imagine a floating Old God eye, or an arcane device, or a floating mini-Naaru or similar? And it can function, transmog-wise, as either an off-hand trinket or a shield?

Now that’d be some transmog to hunt for a few years …

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The Naga backpiece looks really neat. Also, whoever named it doesn’t know what a terrarium is.

I think it would be cool if you could somehow select a type of fish to put in it.

Are we getting blood elf druids yet?

Well I would really like that backpack. I won’t ever use it, but I want it.

I’ll fight them for it!

Well, I would. But my rig is effectively dead at this point so no gaming for me.