10.2 Monk Patch Notes

Listed on MMO:


    Life Cocoon healing increased by 33%.
    Soothing Mist healing increased by 40%.
    Enveloping Mist healing increased by 25%.
    Misty Peaks chance to trigger reduced to 2.5/5% (was 5/10%).
    Enveloping Breath now heals up to 5 nearby targets (was 6).
    Invigorating Mist’s healing is increased by 25%.
    Invigorating Mist’s healing is now reduced beyond 5 targets.
    Burst of Life healing increased by 100%.
    Vivify direct healing is increased by 30%.
    Clouded Focus now increases the healing and decreases the mana cost of Vivify and Enveloping Mist by 15% per stack (was 20%).
    Ancient Teachings’ range increased to 40 yards (was 30 yards).
    Ancient Concordance now costs 1 point.
    Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned – Now increases the healing of Renewing Mist, Soothing Mist, and Enveloping Mist by 12%.
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kind of sounds like another health/damage increase is in the works?

I love that Burst of Life got a 100% healing buff, in addition to it looking like Chrysalis is being baked into Life Cocoon*. That is just a hilarious amount of healing from a defensive.

EDIT: Read the datamining wrong, it was a string change to the ability logic, not being baked into the ability.

Blizzard seems to be trying to make single target heal more as a percentage of total health actually, according to their healing post.


Changes look good to me. I’m excited.


Theres A LOT going on in these changes.

To summarize:
1)Buffing Vivify Cleave by a decent amount (25% but only for 5 targets and now there are diminishing returns on Vivify Cleave on more than 5 targets)
Huge change.
2) More buffs to Life Cocoon making it a very powerful external (Good but at the same time its already very strong imo it would be better to have 2 Life Cocoons or Partial Life Cocoons or something (horizontal) rather than keep buffing Life Cocoon (vertical)
I never really even have Life Cocoon Break as an external so it would be a lot better to have more of them in some way rather than keep buffing it.

This is a pretty big nerf and I’m sad to see it.
This is such a fun mechanic because it enables reactive snipe healing. Since Vivify is instant cast, you can respond to the Enveloping Mist proc with that or Renewing Mist (with mastery) and gain the 40% bonus healing from Mist Wrap.

Additionally, these Enveloping mists from Misty Peaks trigger Mending Proliferation, so this change additionally reduces the effectiveness of this talent, which is already niche ( I use this combination of talents for my mastery throughput M+ build)

This seems like a good change but where are the damage options for SooMers? We need something like Emperors Capacitor from channeling SooM so that the SooM playstyle has dps of some kind instead of spinning crane kick.

I dont personally play the SooM playstyle so I cant say how big of a change that is but it seems like a good change.

Appropriate imo

A welcome change

Huge Buff, Big Change – Thank you!

Like I mentioned in the other thread, the devs intend for Mana Tea to replace these other mana options so this change makes sense

Overall, these changes are poppin off imo especially with the tier sets

In the right track, but other than MW tree, the class tree needs an overhaul / tuning pass.


Yes, the class tree definitely still needs work.


All of the healers got big buffs like this. Either there is going to be another health or damage increase, or they are just reverting the last change. As long as they dont do what they did last time with the health AND damage increasing, healers in general will be in a better place.

Overall ok changes.

I mostly want to see a MW single target damage buff the most.


Didnt they say this wasnt happening?

Well, just like every patch WW are nice in the beginning but fall of pretty fast.

This is why I said that they need to tune the value of the CDR on Strike of the Windlord and Whirling Dragon Punch to be competitive.

This set bonus actually has a chance to scale well with haste if they choose a good value for it.

Melee attacks → free Spinning Crane Kick (which is a Chi Spender)

More haste = more melee attacks = more free spinning crane kicks = more Dance of Chi Ji and more Ebontoes Blackout Kicks = more CDR

So 2 factors at play:
Does it proc enough that haste scales well
Does the CDR on Thunderlord / Dragonpunch have a large enough value to make WW competitive

On ptr it does not work. At least i hope its not working.

It does not proc often at all. Like once every 1 to 2 minutes.
And it gives a free spinning crane kick buff, that does not get used up by spinning crane kick. It lasts like 20 seconda.
You can spam crane kick then blackout kick the whole time (with the odd tiger palm to regain chi)

It just feels so awful.

I wanna put an idea out to the community. As someone who exclusively plays caster MW (I hate going into melee) I use soothing mist and JSS so all the changes are a God send for me and I love that blizz is giving caster MW some buffs while not neglecting fist weaving which recently got some me buffs.

I don’t know how u guys feel about the mana tea change, but I love it; especially the talent that gives a percentage chance to proc a tea when casting vivify. It’s like I can’t go below 75% mama (admittedly I do have Rashok).

The only thing that I feel like we need now is an adjustment to the last healing spell that we just don’t touch and that’s Essence Font. Man I think it has sooo much potential for MWs. It can be casted while moving and even though it’s a bit of a long channel (unless u tea) I don’t mind. Different classes should be different.

I Think the perfect solution to Essence Font is to make it a healing/damage spell. No one currently uses it because healing per mana is insanely low. It does nothing. So on the healing side buff it’s healing by about 50-75%. This is not too high… look at the mana cost of that thing. Maybe even 100% so we can use it like Pallys use Divine Toll (would have to be a bit weaker due to lower CD and the fact we can talent to stack it so it hits like a truck).

This would finally give MW a reliable way to group heal for a nice chunk other than a 3 min CD

Next, add a damage component that does a decent amount of aoe damage considering its cool down and have tea affect the damage channel just like heals. This would give casterweaving some much needed damage and bring a forgotten spell back into the rotation… Both for healing and damage. The healing or damage would apply based on your selected target when using the spell. If nothing is targeted it does healing by default. Very simple application.

Imagine talenting for the bigger initial EF hits and the talent that causes EF to stack up to 18 times for Every second not used.

This would take care of aoe. All that’s left as the final piece is to buff Jade Lightning for single target application and 10.2 would put MW back on the mythic map in a big way.

What do u guys think?

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How can you be a caster oriented MW and not use EF? The whole point of EF, especially in a five man, is for the double mastery bonus healing. An EF + Sheilun’s or Revival will nearly heal the entire group to full. EF healing on its own is low but that’s not why people use it. Fistweavers use it when they get unlucky FLS resets or need to move. To say no one uses it, is wrong.

Also with the celestial talent that makes Yul’on/Chi’ji have a 1 minute CD and the Renewing Mist/Vivify cleave healing MW doesn’t really struggle with group healing. At least not in my experience.

You’re suggestion sounds like Chi wave, a talent that has been dead for years and no one ever takes.

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A talent that lets EF proc mastery x4 would be neat. Esp for dungeon burst.

It could even replace resplendant mists in the tree tbh

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I absolutely agree. The healing needs to be buffed on EF by at least 50% to really feel comfortable to fit its role, and then it would be a nearly perfect spell. I personally think its a great candidate as a damage spell as well, and thing that Thunder Focus Tea should be the trigger for the damage (fits the theme of triggering AT too).

I have proposed these changes several different times:

-New Baseline Effect: Spending Thunder Focus Tea on Essence Font causes it to deal damage instead of heal. This would come at a big opportunity cost (spending your TFT as well as not gaining the powerful mastery interaction buff on allies)

-New Choice Node: Emperor’s Capacitor: Every 3 ticks of Soothing Mist and every cast of Renewing Mist grant a stack of Emperor’s Capacitor. At 20 stacks it discharges and deals ST damage (The goal would be that effects like Statue/Unison SooM also generate stacks so for a pure SooM build it does a lot of damage, however a fistweaver can weave in the SooM from Statue Capstone + gain stacks from casts of Renewing Mist which would make the statue capstone have some kind of value by generating Emperor’s Capacitor stacks at a slower rate for FW)

-Choice Node with Emperor’s Capitor: Fists of Fury. Deals Burst AoE damage that stirs up gusts of mists. (This fits the thematic theme that our “Flurry of Blows” style attacks stir up Gusts of Mists. Our mistweaver empowered Fists of Fury stirs up Gusts of Mists and then when Chi-ji grants us celestial power, all of our attacks stir up Gusts of Mists)
-Revert Refreshing Jade Wind change or update the healing profile of this spell to match relevant use cases. A lot of MW complain about not having ways of handling healing while moving without melee (ex puddle storm/Dwarven Boats). It would be nice if Refreshing Jade Wind was an expensive but powerful passive burst AoE. Now with mana tea this makes sense to drink mana tea before a powerful/expensive Refreshing Jade Wind → Essence Font while dodging swirlies. The current tuning on this ability and its low and slow hps healing profile make it useless

This would be good for several reasons:

  • For fistweaving right now, there are times where we sit on Essence Font, so being able to break up the monotony of spinning crane kick with a Red Essence Font that deals big damage would really spice up the rotation as a baseline effect.
  • Also for fistweaving, if Fists of Fury was a small burst healing and damage cooldown that did linear burst AoE healing (unlike Awakened Faeline variable AoE healing), whilst also dealing good ST damage, then it would be a unique healing ability that improves fistweaving’s current weakness in ST damage and melee healing without having to tune Ancient Teachings. (Essentially, tune the AoE healing of Fists of Fury to be better than Awakened Faeline for like up to 5 targets then Awakened Faeline to be better above that except for damage.)

-SooM mistweaver has 0 damage. They can spam Crackling Jade Lightning inbetween heals but it does virtually 0 damage. As a baseline, if the SooM from Jade Statue and Renewing Mist casts can build Emperor’s Capacitor stacks via a talent, this option could exist for both FW and SooMers. However, SooMers can spec into Unison and gain stacks even faster so it is a larger portion of their damage profile.
-SooM mistweaver goes from having 0 damage options to being able to choose to spend TFT on Red Essence Fonts that deal AoE damage and then have high uptime on Statue/Unison SooM to build Emperor’s Capacitor stacks to deal consistent ST damage

Not perfect but imo uses what exists already in an effective way

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