BOP BOP BOP BOOPALOOPA oh teeny bean I am getting smaller I can’t read this now I need to go to the optometrist I forgot how to zoom in on the computer if you can read this without zooming in you should get some sort of metal yes I said metal not medal it will be rhenium.
Just chilling out at work. Yesterday I learned the the expression “WTF’s per hour” can be used as an indicator of how one’s day went. Ohh the things you learn when goofing off.
You want something really fun and cool to play and different …check out Palia…its in open beta right now and free to play and will stay free to play when it goes live later this year…and everything you build and make in this open beta will carry over to Live.
Its wonderful…build houses…make furniture…cooking…hunting…gardening…bug catching…fishing…special events …bug catching and…and fish…bugs and stuff like that you can display them too…