10.1.7 PTR and the scepter of the shifting sands

Earlier today I was scrolling through one of the WoW discords im in when I saw a 10.1.7 PTR achievement someone posted in chat named “Always Be Camping”

One of the tasks of the achievement is to eat a Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops, which is a crafted consumable thats recipe has been unobtainable except the AH since the shattering in cataclsym.

This really intrigued me and others as well, lots of speculation about this recipe possibly being made obtainable again,

if this is the case, I wanted to advocate for the entire questchain being re-added, you might be surprised how much of its content is still in game in 10.1.5 retail,
I went on a nearly 4 hour walk around azeroth looking at whats missing, and found 14 things (which considering this is 30+ quest chain, 14 is a pretty small number. for the sake of not making this as long as my last post, Im only going to list whats missing or needs alteration, and not list every object thats still in game today just currently does nothing.

Minor problems:
-Anachonos has moved slightly while retaining his original NPC ID, depending if the quest “What Tomorrow Brings” credit is based on entering the location he used to be, or proximity to the NPC, there might be a small change needed here

-Malfurion Stormrage (NPC ID 15362) does not currently spawn inside the temple

-Jademir Mobs who dropped the Fragment of Nightmare Feralas were replaced with Jademir Echospawn in cataclsym, they look nearly identical but probably dont have the fragment in their loot table

-Verdantine Mobs who dropped the Fragment of Nightmate Hinterlands do not currently spawn, these were not replaced by any mob I could find

-Spirit of Azuregos does not currently spawn in Azshara

-Magical Ledger is currently deprecated

-Inconspicuous Crate still spawns, but getting near enough to it to interact with zones you into the ruins of gilneas, and it vanishes

-Draconic for dummies Chapters 2 and 3, mobs that drop these chapters do not currently spawn

-Meridith the Mermaiden doesnt currently spawn (NPC ID 15526)

Moderate problem:
-South Sea Islands in southern Tanaris where the freshly dug dirt required for Dragonic for dummies is located are currently not in retail, from what I could find online, there isnt a lore reason these were gone. We have seen terrain copy-pastes various times recently, so if thats possible from classic to retail, this shouldn’t be awful to do re-add

The one tough problem, The lakmaeran’s carcass and the isle of dread, unfortunately the isle of dread sunk in the shattering, I honestly cant think of a perfect solution to this, the best I could come up with is an instanced copy (completely different zone) thats just a copy paste of the classic island, upon accepting the dread isle quest, you get the timewarp screen effect and are teleported to it.

Hopefully you like the thread! :slight_smile: