10.1.5 spoilers unknown silhouette

My bet is Azshara with Xal’atath being part big bad of 11.0

‘’ Rise, rise! Our Queen calls to us from beyond the Umbral Veil. She has transcended the Circle of Stars and basks in her eternal grandeur!"

Who is the harbinger though since Iridikron mentions them also.
“The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends.”

Your murder partnership was non canon. Mine however was super canon and cool and also better than yours even though yours didn’t exist.

Again, that doesn’t make any sense to me. I LOVE Queen Azshara. She wanted to free herself from N’zoth, not turn cloak to serve another old god. I hope they don’t do that with her.

Even by just looking at the stump… Look at how thick azshara’s ear is…

Honestly can’t imagine how it looks like that to you.

That kinda looks like an Umbral Veil to me :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

That would really upset me if knaifu weren’t whispering me to be cool right now.

She’s not always as smart as she thinks she is. She would 100% make a deal with the Void Lords directly if she thought she would get more power/prestige/adoration out of it.

I was being facetious but I guess that wasn’t obvious to you.

I think azshara and Xal are in cahoots, but Iri’s greeter is Xal.

We shall see.

10.2? :thinking:

It must be the Shadowy Figure that has appeared at the end of several pet battle dungeons.

The Minions of Mayhem have returned!! :wink:

If it is based on old gods there is on in lovecraft mythos as a harbringer walks through dimensions ,known for destruction ,nothing is safe from it.

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It does indeed look like an umbral veil. Sadge. I want more from Azshara than her just being an underling all over again. I hated BfA for making Azshara and N’zoth into a sandbox zone and one patch. They both deserved 2 years of their own expansion.

Thanks for that info. Starting to make some sense.
Iridikron is gathering something else in 10.1.5. Just interested to see who this evil.

Iridikron seems to be the patsy after all.

I just hope when hes dead in 10.3’s raid if he’s there, that he doesn’t say that he is just warning us of something worse to come lol

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True facts.

The saving grace is that Azshara isn’t dead yet, and her last act on screen was kinda sorta helping us, which I think gives her room to be sort of an on-again/off-again villain/ally depending on where the story goes, as long as we don’t loot pinata her again.

And also I 0% believe that N’zoth is actually dead. The most crafty and manipulative Old God just fights us head-on, after having watched us murderhobo our way through every other villain for the last two decades? No way. Add to that the fact that a certain dagger capable of containing Old God essence just happened to fall into Wrathion’s hands and just happened to be stabbed into him before we “kill” him?

I think N’zoth used us, and Azshara, to free himself from his fleshy mortal shell just like Xal’atath did, and I think both of them are rebelling against their Void overlords. With or without Azshara.

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I would say it’s Hastur ,you can look this entity up.

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I hold out hope we’ll eventually get to explore more of the Naga empire and see Azshara come back to attempt ruling Azeroth. I think her quest for adoration over the denizens of Azeroth is why she would defy the old gods and the Void Lords. I don’t think she would want Azeroth to be destroyed, or have it’s world soul corrupted. Hopefully Blizzard thinks the same way and eventually delivers on one of the oldest and coolest characters in Warcraft lore.

If she has gotten a new or unique model it could explain why the ears look more back.

Its funny because i 100% agree that the head looks nelf, but the body looks belf.

I would like to think its Xala, but its probably going to be insert traitor elf/dragon here.

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No, she definitely wouldn’t.

She doesn’t want power for power’s sake, she wants to rule over others and be adored.

Which is why I think that if N’zoth and Xala are breaking their chains, she might side with them, her spotty history with N’zoth aside.

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I just checked that out now. Seems like an interesting angle and would seem to fit the 5th old god narrative that was floating around somewhere in game.

Hopefully whatever they do, ends up being interesting 'cause I have to be honest, this iridikron stuff is kind of boring. :stuck_out_tongue: - - between the lack of payoff his story arc has been and the boring sarkareth stuff… I need something to wow me [pun intended lol]

This has merit and you may be right.