10.1.5 cinematic is good

Is it about Nozdormu crying about his cringe future of becoming dungeon boss again?

he wears a scuffed shadowlands mail outfit and i cant see anything else lmao

Bruh Alexstrasza and Razzy fought as dragons in the air. Get outta here with that

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Idk… using Murozond once in cinematic feel a waste of resources.

The bar is low in ur eyes i see.


The cinematic is setup, not payoff.

Which isn’t a knock against it – it’s good for what it is – but it’s not going to be as impactful as those cinematics that were paying off plot threads.

I just don’t care about the dragons.


I really think this is a double-edged sword scenario. I personally don’t think there is an issue focused on character development and dialogue, but it shouldn’t also be the only focus. Many agree the majority of Dragonflight cinematics (as well as the expansion), were missing that hook and excitement to keep people invested.

As sad as it may sound, no one really wants to watch quest after quest of characters trying to come to term with their emotions and feelings. Explosive effect sells and is a common draw for many.

So I’ll say I think it needs to be of both worlds. A mix of the dialogue and of dramatic effects, and not one or the other.

That’s how you sell a story.

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The explosive event has to be built up not given out right.

Ok,who’s going to die next?

Yeah, I agree whole heartedly. It’s so nice to see how character driven and well told Dragonflight has been as a whole. I was skeptical during the leveling experience, but the cinematics, the titan lore, the campaign, and overall the blue dragonflight quest have sold me completely that they know what they’re doing. It’s not focused on wannabe Marvel moments and action packed cutscenes, it’s more about really respecting the world and building it up in a responsible manner… even if somewhat slow.

Definitely and that is what I’m emphasising.

For example some cinematics in legions felt more about dramatic effect and less about explanation or backstory. Argus shootings a red laser after death? Cool but barely anything after of what that even was.

DF a bit of the opposite. A lot of dialogue and character chats and dealing with their emotions. Almost no dramatic effects or reason to feel engaged.

Edit: The truth is we are here for gameplay and story is definitely needed, but I doubt the majority of the playerbase wants to feel like they are watching an episode of a soap opera.

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That too,is an good tangent,what if that were to occur with Nozdormu and that one side is sealed up in time.

nah he saw your response to this post and thats what did it lol. on a serious note why even post if you think its cringey? which its not btw

Oh no. I enjoyed two big flying lizards fighting. Oh boo hoo now I feel real bad. Bad llama.

Cmon this is the hypest

You show us Murozond and you don’t even give us a full body shot, disappointing Blizz.

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1st dragon flight cinematic I actually liked.

Pretty solid. Excited to see what happens for once.

Why can’t we join the infinite flight?

Seems more like Twilight fanfic

Never forget KILROGG!!

WoD cinematics looked cool and thats like all they had going for them :dracthyr_crylaugh: