10/13H 12/12 N 10 Man Late Night Heroic Guild LF Healer and DPS

Hello and welcome to Speakeasy [A] Pagle Semi-Hardcore

Speakeasy formed as a new 10-man heroic raiding guild in Cataclysm Classic. Our teams are made up of a group of like-minded players who want a place to clear all content and have fun while doing so. We’re formed from experienced WOW players with multiple Cutting Edge and Glad achievements under our belt from retail, as well as experience in Vanilla Classic through WOTLK.

We aim to provide an efficient, respectful, and fun raid environment for all members.

Raid Schedule:

Team 1:
Tuesday & Thursday 10 pm to 1 AM EST

Team 2:
Wednesday & Monday 11 PM to 2 AM EST

Alt nights and achievement runs will be scheduled on other nights around the same time.


Team 1:

Warrior: Arms
Warlock: Demo/Aff

Team 2:

Priest: Disc
Warlock: Demo/Aff
Warrior: Arms
Rogue: Any
Paladin: Ret
Shaman: Ele

All exceptional players will be considered for either team.

Always open to casual players, bench or any exceptional players please reach out of all classes and specs.

General Information:

The guild’s leadership has played the game for 10+ years and has earned several high-ranking PvP titles and PvE accomplishments throughout both retail and classic content. We are building a group of adult, mature raiders that share a common vision: a skilled, progression-raiding environment with a reasonable raiding schedule. We take raiding seriously and progress quickly, but we refuse to lose sight of what’s truly important – having fun and maintaining balance.

As a primarily 10-man raiding environment, loot will follow an MS/OS system. The two legendries from the expansion will be decided by the officer core.

We expect raiders to know their class/spec(s), bring full consumables, understand the raid fights, and be both punctual and positive in the raid.

We are also open to casuals, PVPers, bench raiders, and people just looking for a place to hang out!

Please reach out to Kaylie_13 on Discord or Kaylie#1125 on battle.net if you are interested in joining. Thanks!

Looking for a main tank for Team 2 - ideally a BDK with some raid leading experience or willing to learn. Also have room for a core non-pally healer. Hoping to get another heroic kill Monday!

Looking for exceptional players!

Room for a couple great DPS and a healer!

Immediate opening for an exceptional off-tank! Look forward to hearing from you!

A few DPS spots opened up! Join now for Sinestra to die :slight_smile:

359 arms warrior 11/13H exp.
Dhezi is my disc Dhezi#1820 bnet