10/12M Ele or Resto Shaman LF Home

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Well, I assume you can’t make a 7-11 EST Tues/Wed based on your post, but if anything changes lemme know!
10/12 12 year+ guild looking for ranged :smiley:

Hi, Notgripped!
We are Massacre on Turalyon (Horde)
Currently 10/12M looking for a player of your caliber.
We raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 7:30-11 CST. I know it’s 1 hour before your listed time, but if you’re able to flex, let me know!
If you’re interested, let’s talk!
My btag is Wrane#11253

Going up …

Guild: Without End
Raid days: Tues Thurs 8-11 CST
Progression: 11/12m (N’) CE Guild
Avg. Age: 30s
Need: Healer and Ranged DPS
Chill and Non-Toxic Environment
Btag: LordBaker#1349

More info: [H] Area 52 - - 3/8M | 9/9M CE 6-8H/wk LFM!

up to the top

Think you can push it until 2am EST? We have a open core spot for a 50/50 dps/heals right now. We are 10/12 as well and hitting 30% carapace.

< Ouroboros >
Proudmoore - Alliance
Current Progression:
Ny’alotha 10/12M, 12/12H, 11/12N
Eternal Palace: 7/8M, 8/8H, 8/8N
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N Cutting Edge
Uldir 8/8M, 8/8 H, 8/8 N Cutting Edge

Our Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST

Contact information:
Please feel free to apply on our discord: discord.gg/NfV8jwF For more personal information, feel free to contact any of our officers or recruiters via Discord or in game.

Luunae Discord: Luunae#1462
Nivels Discord: Nivels#5892

Narumata: Discord: Narumata#8139

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you!


I know you said late night but maybe a chance!

Illidan [H] is 11/12M looking for more raiders! We are a MORNING raiding guild. We currently have two raid teams, main raid team that is 11/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST. Our second raid team raids Mondays 5/12M 8AM-11AM.

If this interests you let me know,

Withoutt#8803 -Discord
Without#1930- Bnet

Hey there! We might run a bit later but perhaps we can interest you in coming along for reclears and beyond into Shadowlands.

Please Taunt on US-Hyjal, 12/12 M (US 179), 8/8 M AEP (US 157), 9/9M BoD 6-hour / week team.

We’re honest with people about mistakes and performance, and expect our players to take criticism well. We’re looking for players who share our team mentality, and as long as you’re outgoing and interested in playing the game with us, you’ll be happy playing here.

Tuesday - Wednesday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm PST

Fill out this very short form if you want to chat with us about playing here :slight_smile:

https:// forms.gle/5Arvyfvd1vjxdcHW7 (delete the space after the slashes)

UP to the top, will be in contact with most of you. Thanks!


We are currently recruiting for our mythic progression guild. We are a newly founded guild who is 2/12M at the moment. We are doing our first guild mythic raid this weekend. Our raid times are usually alt heroic raid during the week 6-9pm central time. Mythic raid is Saturday and sunday 6-9pm central time. Sometimes the time changes but we advise a week in advance. We are looking for healers and dps at the moment and fill like you’d be the perfect fit! Message me on here or discord Duggi#4267

to the top.

Who are we and what can you expect from us?

Mint is currently looking for anyone interested in mythic progression with a semi-hardcore guild. We enjoy having a laugh while also pushing for progression as hard as possible in our two-day raiding week. Our experienced leaders have led guilds since TBC, and can guarantee a competitive mythic raid team. Our goal is to achieve Cutting-Edge by the end of each tier.

As for the social part, a lot of our raiders like doing m+ dungeons daily and you can almost always find us online on discord. We also have a Mythic plus team within the guild for players only interested in high end mythic plus. Regular members can strive to work towards a set season raid io to earn a spot on the M+ team.


  • Serious and committed attitude to Mythic Progression.
  • 85% attendance
  • High level of your class knowledge
  • Raid boss fights preparation (Don’t expect to turn up without knowing what’s going on with the expectation of being carried)
  • Working microphone (at the very least be able to listen)
    Required addons installed and updated.

Raid Times:
9-12 Eastern Tuesday, Wednesday, (optional: Thursday for early tier progression/heroic farm night)


  • 11/12M NYA AOTC
  • 4/8M TEP AOTC
  • 3/9M BOD AOTC
  • 2/2H CE

Recruitment Needs:

We have the fortunate problem of having many talented raiders on our roster. Raid spots are earned not given. If you are driven and committed along with good play, You are the kind of gamer we are looking for! All spots are competitive, even if our need is very low

we will always trial any exceptional applicant.

The following is a priority list by need, all classes and specs are considered:

Melee DPS: (Rogue, DH)
Ranged DPS: (Lock, Fire mage, Hunter, Spriest)
Healer: (Paladin, Disc priest, Shaman) min 6/12m exp
Tank: Full

  • to receive a trial your toon must be raid ready!
    If we’ve piqued your interest at all, please give any of us officers a shout!
    We do discord interviews no application required.

Swiz Madflavor#1783 (Recruiter) Discord FilthySwiz#6087
Ghostdonkey travjumba#1239 (officer)
Haiwire haiwire#11135(Raid lead) Discord Hai#4241

Still Looking.

Hey, gripped. We’re very interested in adding dps with healing OS for 12/12m farm and Shadowlands. There is no application form. Please contact us using the information below.


Schedule (8 hours)

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur
10pm-12am EST

Raids will not go more than 1 pull past midnight EST.
We will run normal and heroic at the start of a new tier until the guild is no longer interested.


12/12M NYA - US 393
7/8M EP - Azshara 4%
9/9M BoD - US 219
8/8M Uldir - US 195

11/11M Antorus - US 228
9/9M ToS - US 232
10/10M NH - US 485
3/3M ToV - US 276
7/7M EN - US 200
13/13M HFC - US 289
8/10M BRF
7/7M HM
14/14H SOO - US 305
13/13H ToT- US 230

About Us

The guild has been active since it was established in 2006 on Korgath.

Our goal is always to full clear mythic for Cutting Edge. Recruitment, composition, and loot distribution are all focused to support that goal. Our raiding environment is organized, fast paced, and passionate. Our schedule is ideal for CE players with a full-time school or work schedule. Many raiders also focus on mythic plus, rated PvP, and achievement hunting.

Recruitment Officers

Grolgek - - - Amor#1426
Geezpow - - - Geezpow#1332

Hey, my guild is currently 12/12M and we’re looking for a Resto shaman for an immediate spot. Only caveat is we raid 10-1:30am EST. If you can stretch another 30 minutes towards the end of your night, we’d definitely be interested. Add me at Hijacks#1262 on bnet so we can chat some more!

Hi Unconventional on Illidan is currently looking for more range dps,

Unlike most of the other guilds posting we raid from 9pm EST till 12am est Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

We are currently 9/12 and a week away from killing Ilgy,

Hit me up on discord at TingerIsTall#3524 me and the Raid Lead would like to have a chat with you.

Still looking mate? if you are add me, Downbeat#1311

We are night Crew 11/12 M 9PM pst - 12 PM pst

Hi there, we are on the lookout for a Resto or Elemental Shaman.

We are currently offering a million gold to each ranged DPS that finishes this Tier with us!

About Transcend
We are neither a casual nor a hardcore raiding guild. If you are looking for a team that approaches raiding professionally while maintaining a fun atmosphere, we may be the place for you. We are a mix of college students, working professionals, husbands/wives, and generally people from all walks of life. We are a friendly atmosphere, dramaless, social, and active guild. Plenty of activity within: Mythic+, Island Expeditions, PvP and outside games. We run plenty of guild contest, we have given over 10 million gold away to players in the guild.

Our goals as a guild
Our long-term goals are to provide a unique playing environment for our members. We would like for them to enjoy playing the game with other like minded individuals. Bringing together many different personalities with the same common goal will be very satisfying for everyone. This game has a lot to offer and can be very rewarding when you have the right people to play with. We are looking for individuals with great personalities that want to mythic raid.

Currently seeking
Melee DPS:
Not looking for anything specific, apply anyways!

Ranged DPS (Paid Transfers):
Mage, Warlock, Hunter
Ranged DPS - finish this tier with us, receive a million gold.

Healer (Paid Transfer):
Holy Paladin
Resto Shaman

If you are a great player and your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a shot!

Raid Times
Saturday: 9PM EST - Midnight EST
Sunday: 9PM EST - Midnight EST

Current Raid Progression
Mythic Uldir: 3/8
Mythic BoD: 3/9
Mythic EP: 4/8
Mythic Nya’lotha: 11/12

Apply at:

Contact us:
Main Contact (Battle Tag): Tony#17957
Discord: Dev#9022
In game characters: Healing, Dev, To, Hotdudes, Steakmilk, Cutiehotcake, Siopaos


Not gonna leave a huge chunk of spam - just the initial info below.

I think you’d be a good fit and I’d love to have a personal conversation with you about your plans for the rest of this expansion / SL and see if we are a good fit for each other.

Guild - Average Effort

10/12M Leadership
5/12M in our first night into mythic
Tues-Thurs nights 8-11 Est
Need ranged!

Hit me up brother - Would LOVE to have a dope Ele

Proxyhatch#8274 on discord.