Last night watching a certain stream doing obsidian sanctum 3 drake ach, a certain warlock won the roll for the mount and 2 certain people EXTORTED others for Gold to give to someone who didn’t even win the roll. so they dragged it out Extorting Gold from other players so this certain other person can get a stupid trinket …
not to mention these 2 certain guild REQUIRES their guildies to pay them gold to be in the guild which is absolutely stupid … No one is Entitled this much but these two think they’re entitled bcuz 1 is a big streamer and the other is a lackey / friend of said streamer.
for 50+mins to over an hour these two extorted gold from other skyfurians to give to a certain person who didn’t win the roll on the drake. but leaving the WINNER of the drake to suffer for that long Whether content or not this goes against WOW’s TOS and so forth. how the heck do these people get away w/this stuff day in and day out not to mention they gear themselves up while the others suffer sure they get gear when it doesn’t benefit those two.
But holding the Drake mount hostage while extorting gold from others is BS 100%
(Now there’s going to be simps/haters up in here those who get their 5-15mins of fame while being on this persons stream etc) go and touch grass this isn’t jealousy or any of that such … i don’t care about what y’all say or what not .
What they did was wrong on so many levels and should be punished in some manor for extorting gold from others could be borderlined a scam almost … well they scammed/extorted gold from others.