10/10N 3/10H RDPS looking for raiding home

Hello. I am newly returned to game looking for a solid group of people to play with. I would like to be pve focused. I enjoy raiding and pushing keys. I have a long history of raid experience going all the way back to vanilla. I currently have a 190 boomkin and os guardian, 192 frost mage, and 189 mm/bm hunter. I’d prefer to main the druid. While I def want to find a place that values progression it’s more important for me to find a place that feels like home. A guild that doesn’t help one another or barely speaks to each other outside of raid is not my idea of fun. If you think I could be a good fit for you guild please feel free to add me to bnet or discord. Bnet: GiGi#1168 Discord: CherryKush#9330

Hello Cherry! I agree with your

We are a newly formed guild looking to progress and I think you would fit in with us fairly well. I notice you’re ally so hopefully us being horde isn’t too terrible for you.

Here is my guild post. Reach out if you have any questions. GL in your search!


Hey there!

We’re looking to fill in the final openings for our raid team for Castle Nathria. Our goal is to hit AOTC each patch and push into Mythic, CE is a strong possibility but not a requirement.

After our first ever guild raid week we’re 6/10N and getting close on Council. We expect to clear all of Normal this week and push into Heroic with the remaining raid on Monday.

The backbone of the guild is a core group of players who have extensive experience in the game. We’ve experienced server firsts and obtained gladiator in previous seasons and expansions, but personal life commitments prevent us from no-lifing the game full time. We still plan on experiencing the content the game has to offer, just at a pace our schedule allows. We’re looking for people who are committed and team players.

Raid Times:

  • Monday - 10PM - 1AM EST(7PM-10PM PST)
  • Wednesday - 10PM - 1AM EST(7PM-10PM PST)

Recruitment Needs

We are recruiting dps for raid spots at this time. However, If you are an exceptional player please do not hesitate to reach out regardless of your class or spec.

We are also willing to accept casual members looking for a place to enjoy their game time in Shadowlands.

Please contact either of the below to discuss our openings:

Tacobucket#11442 - BNET
Ginobli#1260 - Discord

Burtron#1991 - BNET

Hi Cherrybeary, sorry for the generic post below but it gives a good idea of what we are and raid times. Would love to help with the server transfer. Send me a msg via discord if interested & I would love to chat more!


Current Progression:

10/10 N 5/10 H Castle Nathria

Raid Schedule: 8 Hours a week

Tuesday: 7:30-11:pm CST, invites at 7:15pm

Mythic Raid (progression night)

Saturday: 7:30-11:30pm CST, invites at 7:15pm

At first this night is used for progression but over time this turns into a alt heroic raid/key runs, GoTR, GOTWT, Key master achv, Finishing off prior Mythic tier for tmogs/mounts & more night.

Note: Next raid tier this might change due to Cutting Edge requiring two full raid nights a week.


To be ready & organized to max out the fun for when currant content hits! Overall goal is to build a well-balanced gaming group to take on all the new challenges Retail has to offer! The first tier’s Cutting Edge might be a touch challenge, but it is our goal to create a team/systems to handle this with ease over time while avoiding burnout. The difficulty of each tier will obviously be a factor, but we will always do our best to go for it!

Recruitment: Looking for good apples! Veterans to the game who have positive attitudes & know how to play. Those who enjoy building up the team as much as their own character. Group > individual, pushing content not the players. Attitude is just as important as Performance.

A few things we are asking of applicants:

  • Have discord and working mic
  • Be willing to accept constructive criticism
  • Stay up to date with your spec & raid encounters
  • Be a nice person. We like to tease at times, but we consider meshing well with the guild as important as being a skilled raider.
  • Be productive & proactive during the week due to our raid time constraints (balance)

If you are interested in joining please message me on discord: Goldvine#5167

Hey Cherry,

About Us

FireStorm (Area52) is a group of players that loves the integrity of being in a community based guild. Respect towards guildies is first and foremost our number 1 rule. We expect raiders to play responsibly in their chosen role and come/help with the preparation of raid mats. I.E; Pots, Flasks, Food, Etc . We’re a very active guild that has members constantly running M+, PvP or chatting in Discord and are looking for people who will be just as active.

Our goal is to have a community and a team able to provide Cutting Edge in a timely manner for all of our core members. We want to form a long term family rather than a short term grab and go. With that goal in mind, it is important that all of our members remain motivated and willing to work as a team as the expansion moves forward.

Raid and Expectations

Raid Progress: 10/10N // 2/10H
Raid Schedule: Tue/Wed @ 9:30pm-12:30 (est)

  • Raid Invites Go Out 15 Mins Prior.
  • Come To Raid Prepare: With at least Flask, Food, and Pots
  • Be Aware Of Boss Fights and Mechanics, everyone should be watching a guide prior to raiding.
  • Keeping Up to Date With Class/Role Changes
  • Proper Addons Such as Bigwigs/DBM/ Etc
  • Attendance is Key ! If you can’t make a certain please let us know ahead of time so we can find a replacement for you on the day.
  • Open to Constructive Criticism and advice from other guild members. (2 brains is better than 1)
  • Last But Not Least, Part Of Being a Mythic Raider is also doing mythic + keys

Classes We Are Looking For:

Healers: Priest, Paladin, Shaman

DPS: Warlock, Druid(boomie), Hunter, Shadow Priest. Skilled melee will be considered as well


We also ask for a short voice interview with all potential recruits.

Discord: Slip#9595
Btag: Calamity#12814

I will be adding and talking to everyone.