10/10M Boomkin with US40 Experience LF 10/10M Guild

Raided US 40 in BFA before needing to take an urgent break to deal with a family tragedy. Came back in SL slightly late during the tier so my logs are relatively incomplete with few kills. I was also top 60 world (top 20 US) Balance Druid in M+ Season 1 of BFA in addition to getting high IO scores during other seasons. Currently 2.2k IO and regularly timing +20s and above. Looking for a 10/10M guild that regularly reclears to have as a home for next tier. If you think I’m worth interest, please reply with your contact info and I’ll reach out.

Hi Wound,

Fearfulways is a 16-year, 9/10M Alliance guild that raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-11EST. We would love a solid moonkin to add to our roster, so if interested please reach out to one of us below:

Battle Tag- Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

Battle Tag- Omega#11231 Discord- Omega#1053

Battle Tag- Bigeze#1485

Battle Tag- Bevee#1903

Battle Tag- Shadow#12663

Hi Wound,

If our times work for you, we’d like to reach out and see if you would be a good fit.

Contact info
Discord: Flarpy#4600