Hello! I’ve recently came back from a hiatus and am looking for a guild to raid with through the rest of shadowlands and into the next expansion. I’ve raided as a Hunter since wrath and play at a decently high level I believe. I don’t have any recent logs but have orange parses in past raids(I at one point had a log of 95th in world on mythic felhounds back in legion, I still have the picture saved lol) I come prepared for each raid with knowledge of the boss fights, with combat potions, flasks, food, and runes. My availability for raids are Tuesday through Sunday after 8:30PM EST. If I sound like someone that could contribute to your guild you can contact me through discord, or Battle ID. Thank you for taking the time to check my post!
Hey there, sounds like youd be a great fit with us.
Incompetent: Area 52 is an AOTC focused group of players, who have achieved it every tier. Tried pushing mythic for a while, and just ended up being middle of the pack, tried mergers to keep up but nothing stuck. After a while just decided to reform and be AOTC/M+ group and enjoy raiding again, not pretending to be something we weren’t. Now seeking chill raid nights to clear the raid and continue clearing until next tier and run m+ together.
Guild : Failed at Hogger Faction : HORDE Raid Times/Days : Tues/ Wed 8-11est (7-10 cst) Progress : 10/10H 3/10M SoD Needs : Open for any role. About Us
To keep things short and sweet, we are a guild that has been raiding with a core of around 15 players since early Legion and we’re ramping back up for 9.2 after an extended break from the tier. Our guild is made up of mostly people 24+ and have people from all walks/stages of life. We care more about the person being a fit with the group and willingness to learn over all, and are open to considering any role at this time,
with our highest priority on main healers, as well as a warrior slot.
Thank you for your time!!
Discord: Bitwise#0429
Bnet: Abysmn#1567
Hello! This is a huge long-shot, but if by any chance you were flexible with your sunday times (we raid 9-midnight on Fridays and 4-7pm on Sundays, so I know that’s a big ask and probably unlikely ), we could use some more ranged DPS for our team! We’re a Horde guild that has a focus on AOTC but doesn’t mind dabbling into mythic when the opportunity permits. We have people who also runs keys during the week, with many at KSM and beyond or working towards it. Outside of regular raid days we also have alt nights on Saturdays at 8-11pm EST (optional, of course). You can add me on Discord at cloe.n#2073 if you’re interested and wanted to chat more, or look at the link I’ve posted for the full guild spiel. Regardless, hope you have a great day and thank you for reading!
< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.