We are a small community of progression first focused players with real lives. We know not everyone is able to put in the time commitment to be a world first raider, so our goal is to utilize our raid time as effectively as we can while holding everyone to the same standard of playing well and killing bosses.
The players we want will be progression motivated, lightheartedly competitive on the meters, and consistent in each mechanic, performance, and communication. We are a group of individuals that want to push content and encourage personal improvement to continue guild progression.
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday nights 10:30 - 1:30 PST.
Any player who is comfortable playing an offspec or alt for raid composition is appreciated but not required
- Tanks - Exceptional players will be considered
- Healers - Any that can play RDPS and enjoy doing while recruiting to 20
- Ranged Dps - All classes with exceptional interest in a hunter and mage
- Melee DPS - Sorry guys, need ranged.
What you can expect from is a drive to push the guild forward. It is our promise to the guild that all of our raiders will be held to the same standards and that all expectations are transparent. We pride ourselves on good communication and mutual respect for one another.
If interests you please message through battle net!
Sarynn2#1223 - GM
zestypickle#11633 - Officer