10.1 Researchers Under Fire Bugged

I just completed the Researchers Under Fire event in the new patch, and none of the friendly NPCs we are supposed to be protecting spawned, so we were unable to talk to Rannan to finish the event. Once the event timer expired, we got credit but had to stay in the area waiting.


Same. There is a distinct lack of Rannan.


Stayed in the area, and got credit, but if there is supposed to be a loot bag from the event, I didn’t get one.


On Gilneas Event started got to 32% and then nothing is spawning looks like it bugged out.

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Another bug. :bug:

We killed Captain Reykal and we did not get credit for the kill. We got the achievement
“Nothing Stops the Research” but not the credit for the kill.
The event timer went to zero and ended.


Seconded! The event broke for our group after killing Captain Reykal, too. Then we waited for the timer to run out and got no credit and no loot.


I haven’t seen any activity on the event on US-Deathwing despite the status of the timer. It does claim the event is active but flying around in a wide area, there is no indication of anything occurring. There are no NPCs friendly or otherwise. The timer rolls over with no change.

Azshara here ~ Same issue with nothing popping up when event is supposed to be running. Tried on main toon yesterday 2x in the evening and once tonight. On my alt this AM 2x. I would drop the quest and start over but I don’t want to waste time on the rep grind if it’s really broken. On Tuesday it was working fine, but I was late and they were pretty far on the phases so I left the zone. Wish I would have stated to see if I would have gotten credit.

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Worked fine for me Tuesday as well but now not working at all

Bloodhoof/Duskwood; Captain Rekhan won’t even spawn. We have people on WoWHead recommending leaving the area and coming back before the timer is finished just to get credit.