10.1 priest tier - is that the back piece?

Wrong again.

I have no reason to be jealous, I was pointing out the obvious paladin set that is given to priests.

K. Your opinion is noted.

Ah, you’re right.

Still, I think the OP is reading too much into in-development assets.

Most likely. I just thought it seemed like an interesting possibility. It was prompted both by the amazing design on the back of the priest set, and also because I was looking at the DK set and couldn’t imagine a cloak fitting very well with those shoulder pieces.

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The salt is real. It was time for priests to get some nice tier that doesn’t look like a painted on bathrobe like almost every other priest set does. Ask for a better tier set, don’t ask to take away something from other classes just because of jealousy.

It’s not like priests haven’t had sets with wings and halos before. We even have a glyph that gives us wings fairly often while casting. It’s just as much priest as it is paladin. That and paladins don’t own colors. Except maybe pink =P


I don’t blame them tbh. Current paladin set is horrible and the next one is boring.

Wings are shoulder slot.

ya you jelly… green jelly…


Didnt know paladins wore that much cloth and had reoccuring halo and wing motif

Why are you salty?


You got that 20/400 vision.

the paladin set is better because its got that beef.


I think it’s a real shame that amid all this upset over what priests got, a lot of people seem to be missing the fact that paladins still got a really cool set themselves. The helm and chest are just beautiful. And the whole thing just looks hard as nails. Granted, I think it would have been cooler if they had utilised the open front skirt technology for them as well. And I think some of their colourations are disappointing. But the design in general is still a solid 8/10 in my book.


that tint could use a brighter red tint

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I think they missed a trick by not giving one of them the colours of the old Judgement set.

No one said there was anything wrong with the Paladin set, I like it… y’all so badly want people to be upset over a priest set that looks like a Paladin set. When did stating the obvious become anger?

This is why I have such a low opinion of this player base… “Oh, you’re angry because we say you are!” Where is the logic behind that? Lol.

if theres this much anger over not getting a cool toy its kinda obvious they hate the thing they got

The wings are the in the cloak slot. Just like a lot of the new cosmetics they have been adding in, ie backpacks, kyrian wings etc.

Nope, I finally get a good looking priest tier for my main <3 You, on the other hand, sound like you may have eaten some sour grapes :slight_smile:

Last I checked halos and wings were on multiple priest sets. Cloth armor can have other types of materials on it besides cloth (and there IS cloth on that set). And paladins don’t own the colors gold, black, and red.


You shouldn’t do that, it’s bad for you.

If you can look at that set and see priest… you don’t know what a priest is, period.

It’s cute. You can’t win a debate so you resort to trickery. That’s okay, I’ll give you this win since I’m the one getting the awesome tier set :heavy_heart_exclamation:

“I can’t refute your well-laid out and factual statements so I’ll just say you don’t know what you’re talking about even though my own argument is highly subjective.”

You’re really bad at this. Just sayin lol.