10.1 patch news

I can’t help worrying about Sabellian, who may get hit by the villain bat when I read that he was wounded by the shadowflame hearing the whispers which can cause his corruption.
But it doesn’t mean Ebyssian is safe neither, I personally think pushing Wrathion away this path putting Ebyssian as the future aspect may be just the illusion. When it comes to the end, Wrathion is still their favorite.
Maybe I think too much I just don’t trust Blizzard’s writing anymore since mop and sometimes these stories are predictable and super boring :skull:


They can’t dodge the issue of Aspecthood’s innate autocracy by installing another democracy at least. I doubt that power can be tampered with to enable a ruling duumvirate (or triumvirate for enlightened Ebyssian enjoyers).

My money’s still on Sab falling to fuel a little character growth for the black dragon whose face is on the loading screen with the other Aspects, or Ebyssian prevailing as a compromise candidate.

They let me make Vegeta. If anything, I’m mad they force me to post as a dragon.



I wouldn’t be surprised if we return to the Emerald Dream. I just am unsure if it would be a minor or major patch content.



The toy is a base teleporter, like the Dalaran hearthstone, and is obtainable at level 6 renown.


Good. Because I was worried the whole “flying for a minute or two” thing to get to the caverns was going to get really annoying really fast.


Human is probably one of the funniest models to show off that armour.



Hm just saw on WoWhead. Could be an easter egg, but the old world flying trainers have made their way to the Dragon Isles.


Inc Sabellian heel turn.

  • Sarkareth gains access to Aberrus.
  • Ebyssian rallies the Black Dragonflight to aid Emberthal in the fight against the Sundered Flame.
  • Chapter 6 is the kill Sarkareth quest.

The flight trainers are learning dragon riding. Currently unknown if its going to lead to Dragon Riding expanding beyond the Dragon Isles.


I’d rather they take the SWTOR route and have the next BG be in the Forbidden Reach and serve as a training exercise or war game.

Reading that it looks more and more like this questline is prepping Ebonhorn to lead the flight.

Wrathion at the very least seems willing to follow his lead once he gets his mind set. And Sabellion…assuming the Shadowflame does’t lead to us killing him I doubt will be in a condition to lead the flight.


Helms for our dragon riding mounts shall be a thing.


He’s already dead man limping at this point.

The writing is on the wall.

The only thing left will be for Blizzard to tell us he won’t be turning to a villain - it’ll be more morally gray.

More sporebat mounts!

And to just add something for the patch coming out on Tuesday, activities on the Forbidden Reach will reward Elemental Overflow. I still think the high prices are ridiculous though.

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They’re actually working on a 5th edition of Werewolf the Apocalpyse (Werewolf, Vampire the masquerade and Mage the ascension remain three of my favorite RPGs I still play).


Doesn’t mean no faction war imo. Just means that guilds will function similar to class halls story wise.

I hate the faction war in recent years, but a Cold War kind of setting like in wrath is preferable. The factions being fully United just doesn’t make sense and shouldn’t happen, just for the sake of the games identity.

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New Forsaken tabard without Sylvanas Shattered Mask symbol. Wonder how people feel about that


I personally like it, it shows the Forsaken are moving forward. Though there are also updated tabards with the shattered mask. Which makes me wonder if there is going to be another Forsaken quest chain, either focused on the Banshee Loyalists being fought or returned to the fold, the proper restoration of the Undercity, or if the tabards will be rewarded with the Forsaken heritage armor.