10.1 patch news

I have to say the Ebyssian and Emberthal moments in the new patch were really neat and gave me Ebyssian Aspect vibes.


It was a really touching moment! It seems like they’re secretly building him up to be the next black aspect. I’m going to be surprised if it isn’t him at this point.



Just a summary article from wowhead, with two chapters that haven’t been seen yet. The Sarkareth defeat and the follow up.

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I saw the Forsaken tabard models. Are they added in 10.1? Or does this come later?

A side quest chain coming in 10.1 will be focused on the dragonkin rebellion.

Edited to include the wowhead link posted today.

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We can have blind eyes!

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It’s a very, very, very dumb quest.

It’s quite similar to the Forsworn situation, except for one crucial difference: the Paragon was a fanatic who was totally opposed to change, while Alexstrasza seems pretty chill about the whole thing.

The end result is a scenario in which the freedom fighters are killing and dying to secure rights that they absolutely could have gotten simply by asking nicely.

If you’re going to tell a story about a rebellion against injustice, the people imposing that injustice have to be invested in maintaining it. Otherwise there’s no actual conflict! Everyone involved is just being stupid for no reason!


So during the Fyrakk Assaults on the Ohn’ahran Plains, Baine and Mayla help defend the area.


So I’m just assuming that every raid in Dragonflight will give us a dragon riding transmog.


Patch shall drop May 2, 2023.

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Which means they abandoned their heritage compared to those who are still there. They swore allegiance to the Wynn dynasty.

You know people can live in Stormwind as long as they are loyal to the Alliance and NOT neccesarily to the Wrynn right?

Or are you saying the night elves and worgens have both given up their heritage as well/sworn alleigance to the Wrynn? Or for that case, the gnomes and dwarves of the Dwarven District.

I wouldn’t go so far as that, no more than an immigrant or refugee necessarily ‘abandons’ their original national heritage when they move to a new one. If only there were any defined cultural differences between Stormwind and Lordaeron by which we could compare their heritages…

Turalyon is just the regent. Anduin is still king. And I suppose he will show up once Sylvanas is done with her community work.

Should I remind you how many generations of regents ruled Gondor?

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Merithra finally getting the respect she deserves.


Now she just needs a model worthy of her station.


A regent is just a fancy steward who is there until the true heir returns. Just like Bob is just in office if Kael’thas comes back.

Kael is dead though. He can’t come back. It’s a tad difficult since revendreth is his home now and ghosts can’t just leave SL when they want and stay. They have to return to the SL sooner or later


Kael is as arrogant as he is stubborn. He will find a way. Everything that matters for him is to fight for his people. And his job is not done yet. I support him becoming our leader and Bob being demoted to Ranger General.