10.1 massive PvP changes

My God you are a professional whiner lol.

Is this gonna turn into a mongo dps race now. Feel they just turned rated pvp into solo shuffle…wierd major changes from blizz. Guess this was due to all the healers saying they were always in cc. I was already kinda bored of the game at this point maybe i just dont log back in for this. I probably wont be missed like any other player that has quit. Blizz you do you for sure. Just not excited for these changes


On the bright side that means their kill target will be free, because they will have to commit stun to line up the blind/sap. I would prefer if the combo just didn’t exist though.


Nah. Return to BFA Damp Boogaloo

Mage Lock ccfest domination.

Idk ive used torrent all expan and never void origins typically and been fine. I truly see no prob especially with baseline precog. Personally i love our root

this is weird, idk what to really think about it yet and i’ll have to get a feel for it

with the removal of the trinket bonus and the reduction of overall cc duration, idk how big of a change it will actually be but it’s just weird and unnatural

Thank God you have nothing to do with class changes…

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Also Blinding Light is 6sec, and they say 5sec going down to 4? Its not right??

Blizz raking in race change money when everyone race changes back to orc now after 1 season of the trinket bonus. What a major troll that was.


Just spin the wheel each season as to what’s going to be good. Buff bag of tricks by 300%. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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is trinket set gonna stay the same? That’ll mean everyone’s cc is gonna be super short.

They already mentioned removing the CC reduction from the trinket bonus.

So Casters will be the new meta with Precognition as a selectable talent once moved off of pvp talents. They are not inflating rating in 2s and 3s to maintain their subs, and nerfing ccs sounds like they are catering to the lower brackets of pvp’rs.

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Feels really bad.

They’ve obviously focused on CC this round and didn’t want MW’s being able to Paralysis → Song → Leg Sweep.

Thing is all MW’s have is healing throughput and CC…this further pushes MW into being a healbot.

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Good change so that they can now target specific CC’s to reduce, not blanket 10% reduction on every CC from the bonus.

This is laughable. Not because you are wrong. You are definately right, but you high rated players and your addons make me laugh. Delusional pvpers. They should remove all addons from pvp then balance.

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Wrong, no CC should be longer than 4 secs. Way too much obnoxious CC ruining gameplay and PvP.

My healing felt rough because as Hpal it was simply so wonky, but when utilized properly it wasn’t so bad. It just needed some love.

Not only did it get love, but CC and damage being reduced across the board.

I can’t remember which expansion, but I remember a time when if you didn’t get kills with CDs there was virtually no point to play and you’d want to AFK until they came back up.

I don’t want healers to be so dumb nobody dies and games last 30 minutes.

It’s not fun for anyone.

I think the healer situation could potentially be mended better in other ways.

Kinda sucks for rogue, but doubt they’ll get much sympathy this season.

i just did and it was great, rogues are the most biased bunch of crybabies i’ve ever seen on any comunity.