10.1: community support paladins with priest tier change

They think it’s a paladin set remake bc it shares the same colors as the tier 2 judgement set. The same colors the tier 1 priest set uses. Cuz apparently only paladins are allowed to use those colors.


I legit thought that Blizzard mixed the paladin and priests sets up when making that image. And I’ve asked several people now and all of them feel like all the sets look way too much like they could be plate sets. Like I get plate armor generally looks the best, but I mean please take that to mean more work needs to be done to properly visualize and textualize or a word I’m not using correctly to the sets.

So they are choosing to be a moron. Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

It’s a priest set folks. You can be upset sure but for once Priest has a decent looking mog and paladins can get over it.


What about the players that like the Paladin set as presented? It gives off a holy knight vibe to me.

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Would love a mage tier where the armor changed color based on your spec.

Or give me a time machine so i can go back to mop as an adult and farm the challenge mode set :confused:

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Straight up, Blizz took the original Paladin Judgement set, and turned it in to a Priest set.

Absolutely stupid.


The priest set has 0 books, and it’s not a robe. The only real similarity is the color scheme.


I give absolutely no cares, at all. They took the Pally Judgement set, and made it into a Priest set.

Lame. Lame. Lame.


And priests did those colors first with their teir 1 set. So…who copied who


So you don’t care that the only similarity is the colors…you are just going to stomp your feet and demand that they are the same? Fancy.


…What? What are you even trying to say? Why would I want them to be the same?

Priesty set can go get doused in white sparklies.

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This is inevitable tbh.

When they make tier sets that are themed to the raid, people whine that they’re not class-aligned enough. When they make tier sets that are purely class-aligned, they whine that they’re re-using design choices.

It’s almost like they’ve used up pretty much all of the basic ways that you can make a class set over the last two decades.

The sets are fine. Move on.


Perhaps it was a poor word choice. My point is that they are not similar in any way besides color, regardless of how often people claim that they are.

Better question is why do Druids, Shaman and Warriors have three toes and Hunters have on toe shoes?

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It looks nothing like the judgement set are you high? When they remake a set they try to keep it at least somewhat similar to the original set, just look at all the Tomb sets as they were remakes of old sets. This is completely new for priest.

Paladins will whine over anything jeez


I see priests crying for a rework every expansion and they get it delivered always (look at 10.1). Meanwhile blizz only looks at pallies once every 5+ years.

LOL that’s practically a carbon copy.

If you cant see how close in design these are you’re nuts.

Hooded with glowing eyes.

Tassle hanging off the front from red.

Red gem/design on the corner pauldron.

The belt area, winged on both with cod/tabard length hanging down.

Black trim on the paladin robe matches perfectly with the length of the black on the new 10.1 set.

It’s a replica. If they didn’t blatantly color it the same darn way in the same areas people probably wouldn’t have noticed as much but, they did. This is a stolen paladin tier 2 remake.

If it’s going to stay priest, pull the colors and put them on the new paladin set.


Why are you getting so hung up on colors, bud?

Nah, they’re not gonna change it. Get over it. Or keep whining about it here like a child, I guess. It’ll produce the same result.


You must have horrible vision if you think that it’s a replica. You pointed out minor design similarities and ignored all of the glaring differences.

But you do you.

It’s almost like people think that paladins own red, white, black, gold, and tassels.

I wonder which class has a bunch of sets with halos and wings…


You know, I can almost think of it

the world may never know