10.0.7 Zul'Gurub Content is a Great Start! And a Missed Opportunity

For those who don’t old recipes and transmog were added back into Zul Gurub in 10.0.7 here is the WoWhead guide on how to get started.

Blizzard did a great job in my opinion but missed an opportunity to allow players to receive the Zandalar Tribe rep again by turning in coins.

Aside from the missed rep opportunity, another missed opportunity is to bring back the actual raid itself. Personally I would love to see them add a way (maybe a second entrance or a bronze dragon like Zidormi) to bring back the old instance itself into the game.

I hope in the future we can see old instances be added back in like Scholomance, UBRS, etc but overall this is a great start.


Give a mouse a cookie…

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Agreed; I’ve been a fan of the idea of returning the old instances they removed for a while (especially since they seem to have changed their minds about that). They managed to keep Kara in when they added the dungeon version and, unless I’m very much misunderstanding something, we know from Classic the old raids are working with the current engine.

As you said, they could have Zidormi (or another bronze) hang outside the entrance and port you in to “relive the battles of past heroes” or something for a lore reason why you can still go in.


Yup, not just Kara but also Uldaman in Dragonflight.

Classic is running on a modified Legion client from my understanding so its close enough to retail.

But ya Zidormi (or another bronze dragon) in my opinion is the best way to bring back the old content since we already have Zidormi in zones to revert them back to pre- X event. I would love to also see the old pre-cata world come back as a toggle at Chromie in the faction capitals to revert the old world back as one map (and in turn flying disabled because that can cause technical issues, same with reverting the entire map and not zone by zone with Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor).

M+ ZG or bust

I think that would be difficult because you only need to kill 2 bosses to access the final boss. Same with ZA they are a bit too big for M+ but to small to be split up like a Mega Dungeon imo.

I mean you can legit just block off access to jindo till the other bosses are down.

Nah ZA was inherently designed for a time crunch.

Split it into 2 and remove trash to bring each wing down to 30 minute chunks and I don’t see the problem if the fights get balanced accordingly.

Hell no, it needs to be its full glory.

I got the swift zulian tiger back in vanilla. Great times in ZG.

Ok but it won’t be if they did it. Lol.

Same with BRD. I’m actually down for M+ BRD but it would most likely just be the Emperor run.

BRD is like 5 times, maybe more, the size of ZG

Either way, :man_shrugging:

Just saw this video last night! I had so many patterns from back then that I couldn’t get materials for. This makes me happy!

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Don’t forget to add the Spirit of Zandalar (2hr stat buff) back when they make it M+ !

For a third time? Twice was one times too many…

What I mean is to actually put the Vanilla raid back in the game. As a separate instance from the Cata Heroic dungeon. Not another revamp.

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