(10.0.7 Spoilers) blizzard what are you doing to Baine

I don’t know what either of you are talking about.

Grimtotem have been officially part of the Horde since vanilla. Why in the world would they join the Alliance?

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He can only be as intelligent and competent as the writers, unfortunately.


What we killing this time? I am getting sick of killing the ducks for the meat for my cooking. Time to kill something else.

Never! Blizzard can’t allow the Forsaken to have any agency in their own story. They immediately found a new cult of personality for them to plug themselves into, Sylvanas’s seat wasn’t even cold yet.

Light Lady watch over you. :face_vomiting:


Well yeah. I really hope you didn’t think I thought he was a real person.

They fought the Horde in Cataclysm and sided, through mutual reasons, together to fight and defeat the Horde in Stonetalon.

Part of them did but the main body lead by Jevan swore loyalty to Garrosh.

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It was a knock against the writers. Not your grip on reality.

No. 1/4th stayed with the Horde. The other 3/4th left with Magatha.

Garrosh =/= Horde

Garrosh = plot device so Alliance players could feel good about themselves and sack Orgrimmar.

We killed a lot of Grimtotem lead by Magatha when we took back Bloodhoof and Thunder Bluff. The majority is with the Horde and being lead by Jevan.

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Jevan’s Horde Grimtotem are about a quarter of the pre-split Grimtotem population

Baine gives the surviving Grimtotems a choice: swear loyalty to the Horde and be led by Stormsong as a reformed tribe, or be banished to the [Stonetalon Mountains] with Magatha. About a quarter of the Grimtotem agree to swear loyalty to the Horde, the rest leaving with Magatha.


Wasn’t there a quest line in Stone Talon Mountains where the Alliance was supplying the Grimtotem with weapons to fight The Horde? Or is that just dementia creeping up on me.


Did you even read the spoilers? Because especially the second quote of yours doesn’t make any sense in context to the wowhead stuff.

That’s not true, 3/4 of the Grimtotem left Thunder Bluff after it was recaptured.

“More and more came forward, until fully a quarter of the Grimtotem were kneeling before Baine.” - The Shattering, page 289

I just did this quest the other day. The Grimtotem fought the Horde and allied with the Alliance out of mutual benefit.

I get what you’re saying but we killed them taking back Bloodhoof and Thunder Bluff. Then we kill them again in zones like Thousand Needles. There isn’t an endless supply of Grimtotem just springing out of the ground :rofl:

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Regardless, Magatha still leads them and most of them are following her, not the Horde.

Unfortunately there’s as many Grim Totem as Blizzard needs for whatever nonsense they’re attempting to spin at any given moment.


Doesn’t make sense to take them for the Alliance. They are mortal enemies with night elves. If you want Tauren, just take some neutral tribe and a HMT group, not Grimmtotem. :sweat_smile: