10.0.7 Shaman Changes

At least the healing tide buff will help with the healing snipe I guess. Not sure how everything will play out, but I’m anxious to try.

poison cleansing totem will actually be useful now, nothing like removing 1 stack from tank on tree boss in Algeth’ar. Still no instant healing rain . . .

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Also the damn frog in next Batch of M+ people will like us

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I just checked the order in Talent on WoW its not bad change. I lose a bit of thing tough. I just hope they would finally put Lava surge and Echo baseline.

How after resto shammies being the bottom of heals do we nurf resto further? I dont understand.


looks like we gain another mini healing CD taking tidebringer and saving on tyrannical boss AOE back to back quick cast chain heals in a cloudburst will be great.

This is such a terrible change the more I think about it. They just buffed the damage of Flame Shock and Lava Burst and then take away the healing modification attached to pressing Flame Shock (which then of course can proc you free Lava Bursts). There is absolutely no reason to ever press Flame Shock now or to take Master of the Elements or Lava Surge.

Not only this, but in PVP totems get killed immediately once you get to a semi-decent rating. So all of the healing buffs they have taken from our spells and put into the totems is a big net nerf.

I’m about done with shaman after this.


yeah. Not sure how it will play out at 70 but at 60 it is a good buff to enh

Maybe redirect points into stoneskin which can stack with healing steam

" * Earth Elemental and Primal Earth Elemental no longer taunt or pulse threat to enemies that are attacking a player with a tank specialization."

If shaman pets are the only ones to get this treatment then its a little worrisome

That’s a very closeminded viewing of class mechanics. Mana Cost and MSW are intentionally designed to limit spamming of HS in combat of all forms, not just pvp.

Burst damage is still high and no amount of increasing totem healing is going to offset the 40-70k less healing per 10 stack healing surge.

The easiest way for them to avoid nerfing HS for enhc is to revert the MSW nerf to healing only, ele shaman is really up the creek with these changes unless they massively buff refreshing waters for ele. HS was already bad enough for ele, smh.

Take a second look over the changes. It’s now impossible for Ele and Enhc to gain both of the +25% healing modifiers on HS. This is effectively a 14% overall nerf without including the removal of swirling currents modifier.


TP only affects snares, not roots

LOOOL no, we aren’t druids. We don’t get buffs only nerfs. Or “buffs”, which are really just lies.



Basically another healing CD…which is good.

Two biggest changes for me, although overall it seems like a buff.

Meh, either way I won’t be around to test them.

Too lazy to erase the talents I put in, but it’s def easier to see changes like this.

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I absolutely hate this change. The biggest appeal of earth elemental in groups is that you can use it to take pressure off tanks and prevent a wipe. Seems like a real bad change — but I get they are trying to combat trolling tanks.

Still though, terrible change.


As a resto shaman all these changes seem fine overall, if somewhat confusing. Does this mean that the Living Tide pvp talent is going to reduce the CD all the way to 1 minute?

Totemic recall should still not reset HTT because it works of the ‘base’ cd, just as it has been currently with the 1.5 minute pvp talent. Still a 1 minute tide will be super strong. You’ll be able to drop 2 tides in most pvp engagements.

I guess this is one way of addressing our demands to fix chain heal in pve, and it opens up another pvp talent slot. In bgs I always took the talent, but in arena there wasn’t room.

So we can get both now. Yeah, I don’t care. Now healing rain can do a little more healing in pve if you spend an extra talent point. It can continue to do nothing in pvp because no one is going to spec it. We still want instant healing rain but it’s unlikely to happen in this expansion. Making it do more doesn’t make casting it feel any less of a pain.

This is good. I had wanted this kind of treatment with spirit link. Something to make link feel worthwhile if everyone is already injured or if you want to use it solo.

I actually liked nature’s focus for bgs because I cast chain heal so often. Idk how to feel about flow of tides. Now it’s so similar to the other option but it still removes our riptides, giving it reverse synergy with Primordial Wave, Undercurrent, and Deluge. As much as I like big chain heals this is a rather steep penalty.

It’s to prevent your 15% extra HP from vanishing after taunting off the tank. It’ll still tank mobs if the tank dies.

It’s a good change.


so the tank has to die for it to do any tanking, rather than you saving the tank and preventing anyone from dying.

It’s a bad change. Just fix how the HP scaling works if there is an issue with taunts.


If you play tank or healer, you’ll know that there are MANY ways to save a tank outside of sacrificing a 5 minute cooldown that’s useful for YOUR survival. Tank HP fluctuates way too rapidly in certain keys for this to be a good way to save them, and relying on it to save the tank is far more niche than simple getting 15% DR (edit:HP) for 1 entire mintue.

No. 15% DR for 1 minute (edit: I said HP earlier and meant to say HP here, not DR) > potentially saving your tank once and having them die anyway because you put it down when they were at 10% HP. There are fights at higher M+ where just having astral shift isn’t enough.


So this is what they are planning. I preferred the old set up because ancestral guidance felt easier to drop than nature’s swiftness or spiritwalker’s grace. I’m disappointed that Brimming With Life was move to under Chain lighting. As a resto shaman I enjoyed this 8% max hp at times. Now I’ll never spec it because chain lightning is a joke talent. Swirling Currents and post nerf Mana Spring are looking unattractive.

Mana Tide Totem talents still feels like bait for pvp. Healing Wave is still going to be difficult to cast even with -50%. The chain heal cast reduction seems unnecessary, given we already get a reduction from (nondispelled) tidebringer casts. I’d prefer if tidebringer was 1 point instead of 2. Spending 4 to get it and Ancestral Awakening is expensive.

This might see more changes before release. Currently Ancestral Wolf Affinity is connected to the capacitor totem upgrade node. Which is strange given that if you don’t also put a point into capacitor totem talent then it would do nothing at all. The end Primordial Wave talents still look useless.

AG is super good and I’ll never not spec it, but I’d also say the same for NS and SWG.

CL is kinda needed for M+ DPS.

Agreed here. Feels bad…although not sure how to arrange points due to it.

I mean you can choose to spec into one of them only. Getting a free healing CD out of mana tide is a good thing either way, because I don’t see why it wouldn’t stack with Tidal Waves. All that said, I’m not a PvPer so our thoughts are likely to differ here.

Yeah the affinity connection seems weird, but is perhaps more of a “I want to go that way” kind of node. A waste for sure on its own.

Primordial Wave section requires too many points, but is otherwise solid imo.