not very surprising overall but homie spent a whole segment saying boomkin was moved up to A cuz it was buffed meanwhile the changes he showed were actually almost all nerfs aside from hard casted abilities that you ain’t actually using in arena lmao
Don’t let jbomb see this. He’ll be in shambles.
noooo please not the tier list
dont nerf me bro im in a downward spiral
Man I am so sick of tier lists.
Can’t wait for all the DHs to reroll because skull crapped told them to.
Buff Destro
Lol ret A tier? Hahahahhaa
WW B Tier has me confused
Did he srs put assassination and DH in the same tier as feral/ret/fury/surv?
ok fam
Assas is the best melee in the game. What is this list
Only brainlets take skill capped for granted.
What?? Is hpal really S tier now? Wtf happened
What is this tier list for?
Increase chaos bolt damage by at least 20% so it’s worth casting.
ftfy. You’re welcome.
Maybe ease of access? It’s not currently fun the style of play that it requires, but I wouldn’t call it middle of the pack either though.
love it. supa and ven put boomy in C tier almost D tier and then skillcapped chucks it into A
Ah Ty king