1000 Seething Cinder's

Just got the Branch of Nordrassil and now apparently got to go through Firelands at least 4 more times for 1000 damn seething cinder’s like couldn’t imagine how damn miserable this quest must of been back in Cataclysm like far out

But currently have 361/1000 so just got to wait for weekly reset to go get to like estimate 700/1000


Nice, keep us posted!

Two resets to go \o.

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Doesn’t it just make you…
:eyes: :eyes:


In case you didn’t know, you can do it on heroic and normal. But yes, that quest takes 5ever


Dad is that you? Did you finally finish buying Milk from the general goods merchant in Zandalar?


hugs Qamaits and steals wallet

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I mean the quest is basically “just do firelands every week”.

Took a couple of weeks each stage but that wasn’t a bad price to pay for the best weapon in the game.

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The worse part was the gold costs for the lego item in cata lol

Idr staff but rogue daggers cost my partner a chunk irc



Just imagine your guild helped its best caster get the legendary staff only to see them get poached by a better guild farther in progression. This also happened quite a bit on guilds progging H spine of deathwing to meet the insane DPS requirement.

I believe this is why they moved away from long quest chain legendaries in favor of things you can prog solo like artifact weapons/HoA.

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Ya’ll were thinking it. I just took the hit for everyone. I should get a parade.


10k I think. Just for the starter stuff

I sold my soul for a slice of pie.

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