Sounds like OP got rekt.
This even happened in a mythic + on my Moonkin. I wiped the group in King’s Rest when Queen Wasi cast seduction on me. My r3 TD popped and deleted the group in an instant. Everyone was decently geared (and very annoyed)
False, since tentacles scale with ilvl for one, and two raiders get extra corruption and EZ horrific visions to cap out. Since you can outgear horrific visions quite easily, and get carried by mythic raid geared guildies on alts to full 5 mask run clears day 1. We’re also forgetting the trinkets that crit people for half their health like you see basically every DPS running in arena. PvP gets worse every expansion, somehow they find more ways to make it worse. Wpvp gets worse, Random BGs get worse, arena gets worse. The % of people doing any of them consistently goes lower every xpac.
Feels good man!
Power creep isnt a problem imo. I love power creep. If I wanted my character to be marginally stronger at the end of an xpac compared to the beginning, i’d go play GW2.
I play wow to get extremely powerful and stunt on everyone else
I forgot about how busted the trinkets Drest and Motorbike were. Good fox.
/pets Manapaws
Corruption is hilariously broken.
So you are saying someone in end of xpac gear hasn’t roflstomped fresh max leveled toons in every xpac?
Power creep can be good. IF and only IF the methods of achieving gear are close in terms of acquisition. This expansion gearing through PvP is not even in the backseat, its being dragged behind the car by a chain.
When did I make that claim? I only stated that the difference between a fresh dinged and a geared 120 has never been so blatantly obvious.
Go read up, basically all of the top PvPers are not using gear from Pvp but instead PvE. Think it was Pikaboo and some others that mentioned this. But, you used to be able to get PvP geared a lot easier with things like Honor getting closely geared to the top and then eventually getting Conquest gear to be on the same level. Not really possible anymore so I like many other stopped even trying.
Watching Pika - lol he uses Drest and Motorbike. In other expansions PvPers seldom participated in PvE content due to having no interest. This expac nearly all of them are. If anyone believes its due to them suddenly starting to like PvE scripted encounters I have some tornado insurance I would like to sell them
It’s actually one of the reasons more and more of them joined Method for BFA, get easy runs and boosts for PvE content.
Yep. Now most streamers who were solely PvP vids, on their channels you see M+ and raid runs. Even during BGs and Arena vids they just seem not as enthusiastic as previous expansions. All the PvE farming has burned them out.
so what’s your point? casual pvpers should do the same damage than mythic raiders? of course a guy who is 30 ilvl higher and well geared is gonna kill those casuals.
I really hope they don’t bring multiple procs to do dmg in SL but pvp it’s always unbalanced for casual players
The point is they should have a system in place to have PvP gear be best for PvP and the same for PvE being best for a PvE scenario. Whether that is through the gear scaling up in combat like how it was in WoD or using a PvP stat such as resilience.
As it is now, gear is generic throughout both platforms. Since the gear from PvE is easier to farm that gives the PvE crowd the advantage.
I do agree with you there. Pvp gearing this expansion is the worst its ever been by far. Ive played since vanilla and this is the first xpac I havnt cared at all to pvp in. Literally the only reason I do rated was for conflict and strife essence.
This may be a little big brain but they have like 500 hp so if you whistle at them or glare at them intensely they will die. Then you don’t die.
Finally. Most the PvE people I come across are intentionally blinding themselves to this fact.
Everyone watching you get mind flayed that hard: