You have 200k health, most decently geared 120s could kill you in a couple of seconds.
It also means you are not taking advantage of horrific visions. Even a three mask run awards you with 460 ilvl gear and they are trivial. If you knock out a 1-3 mask run each week, you are getting a 450, 455 and 460 all with corruptions every week.
Gear should matter. Gear should have a static value. Adding in all these borrowed power systems (azerite, essences, corruption) made the barrier for entry into pvp a grind infested with pve.
Not to mention the access to gear from solely participating in pvp is pathetic in comparison to what can be achieved from spamming M+.
No I think everyone knows that corruption procs are out of control in BFA but at this point crying about them is pointless. The system isn’t going to continue into SLs and they are not going to waste time trying to deal with the issue on the twilight hours of BFA. But at 200k health, a geared 120 would destroy him in a sneeze with our without corruption effects.
Random bgs are supposed to be for people like him genius. The rewards are not catered to high ilvl players.
You people can be such idiots sometimes. It’s like joining a heroic dungeon and getting mad because everyone is not at the same or better gear level that the dungeon actually drops.
Stop playing the game in easy mode and then whining about new players. YOU are the problem, not them. Stop being cowards and go play arenas and rated where you are supposed to be.
something is screwy even in PVE in mists content.
pretty much every single time while Im farming now I will zap some world trash for 25-50% of its health (the character in question is a poorly geared level 100)…and no matter what it is it’ll instantly heal back up to 100%.
Even the crap trash like deer that never did it ever before. and its like EVERYTHING doing it exactly the same.
Really weird.
Yeah, it’s the reason why I don’t step into BGs anymore. As heals it’s crazy to watch people get melted in 3 sec. flat. I can’t believe they allowed corruption effects in pvp. During Legion they disabled legendary items effects I thought they would do the same here. It’s sad because I liked my daily dose of pvp.
Gear should matter it’s WoW. I’m decently geared and certainly not there for any other reason than fun and farm a little honor. Your a complete sandbag to your team at 200k or less.
He had to target you. It hits the target when it spawns. Meaning A he targeted you it spawnsd you didnt one shot it like a smart boy. You then ran away and died to it. Also he was prolly attacking you the whole time to.