10.0 The Inquisition of the Light

Incoming: A long Idea of What I think could make an interesting Expansion.

While we have been toiling away in the Shadowlands trying to save the machine of death, In the absence of our Faction Leaders, the Order of the Light has arisen. Initially they stamped down and rid the undead scourge, released when the helm was shattered, from Azeroth. Bolstered by their success, and the conviction of their faith they believed themselves the saviors of Azeroth. They began to preach that Azeroth’s leaders and Heroes had abandoned Azeroth and the Light to serve death. A resurected Yrel, Calia and Turalyon have spearheaded the fanatical devotion to the Light throughout Azeroth. They have spread their influence far and wide, largely taking control of all of Azeroth. Believing in supreme devotion to the light and to renounce all other beliefs, The Order of the Light rules with and iron fist. Imprisoning, banishing and “Purifying” any dissent or disobedience.

All capital cities in Azeroth are now under control of the Order of the Light. They patrol the streets as the Army of the Faithful. Subjugating the citizens to follow their beliefs. The cities are all hostile to us when we return. Towns like gadgetzan and booty bay, are also under control of the Order of the Light. The goblins have been driven out, and taken their Black Market dealings to large city ships, which move around the coasts of the continents. (These are our new main cities for the expansion. They have Class and profession halls. Auction and Banking ect.) We must learn more of the Order of the Light. We need to infiltrate our cities and discover what the order is up to. (The new 5man dungeons are infiltration missions through our cities and towns.)

Azeroth’s citizens, lacking guidance and leadership from their leaders. The absence of the Heroes of Azeroth (Us). Have turned to the Order of Light for guidance. Some follow in blind faith. Others follow in fear. Small groups of resistance operate in secret hoping to join and help the resistance.

The bulk of the old zones would be changed for the expac. Not completely redesigned. The Order of Light has forced not only Azeroth’s citizens to flee, but changed the natural order of zones. Zones surrounding the capital cities, are areas where The Order of the Light are building their army and training their troops. Also having encampments where they “Educate” non-believers. Further out zones, have seen the creatures of Azeroth flee to. Centaurs, Ogres, Gnolls, Murlocks have all formed their strongholds in other zones. Due to the tyranny of the Order of The Light, tribes have formed together and now are a threat to us. Many of the Old zones have changed to reflect this, and are now threatening and dangerous to us. But there is something different about how strong these foes have gotten. Something unnatural about their increased intelligence, and strength. Becoming united and now an actual threat within their new found zones doesnt add up.

We return from the Shadowlands expecting to be lauded as heroes as usual. Instead we are captured and imprisoned by The Order of The Light. We are taken before The leaders of The Order and Yrel purges us of the taint of the shadowlands. (Inevitable Removal of the Covenant Abilities and Soulbind Systems). We are then thrown into prison. En-route to an “Education Camp” some resistance fighters attempt to free us. We fight our way free and flee with them. We then make it to One of the 2 or 3 Giant Booty Bay/Goblin Ships off shore and begin to learn about what truly has happened. From here we must form a guerilla fighting force to battle the Order of The Light. Venture into zones to discover what is behind the changes to the lesser beings of Azeroth. Infiltrate our capital cities, to learn what The Order of Light really is. Discover disturbing secrets and practices of their “Education Camps”.

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Yrel is gone. Gone gone. That reality collapsed.

Maybe resurrected, or incarnated? Perhaps Velen has become fanatical? Something like that.

Lol not a chance. They laid down all those plot hooks in the Mag’har scenario to save for later.

OP: Interesting ideas. I’d really like to see an old world revamp. On the one hand, turning capital cities into dungeons and raids feels lazy from an artwork and asset viewpoint, but on the other hand I kind of love it anyways. The idea of fighting our way back through city streets we’ve come to know like the back of our hands over the last 16 years is very interesting.


I hate that Blizzard has decided that “Well teh light is evuls too. Ignore teh healing and protecting refugees n de outlands”.

Buuut this would be a fun concept.

I gotta say, I’m intrigued by this.

There will be a lot of hate about ‘going back to the old world’ but I think this is a nice way to do it, and maybe even restore some parts of the cataclysm damage.

Since there are hints / theories that our next expansion will (or must) involve the void lord and the Na’aru more, this is a great way to push that theme as well. And I must say, it’s a very clean way to remove soulbind / covenants - Blizzard could just disable them before expansion time then make it purged from our spell books from there.

The only issue I’d have is that, if our cities became the instances, that we’d be ‘murdering’ citizens and we’d be no better than Arthas. They’d have to completely rework the system so that when enemies ‘die’ they still generate the ‘on-death-resources’ like soul shards, but they end up going to 1hp and fleeing instead.

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Different Naaru. A’dal is still cool.

Great idea!

However, remember, the current “team” would be making it.

The instances, would be basically missions through the cities. With objectives, and going through familiar areas, into secret new areas added by the order.

The cities themselves would be max level zones. Similar to the Maw in a way. We enter them in disguise, or through a entrance. We do some daily quests, or missions. We have some battles and clashes with the Patrols. We avoid citizens who try to Expose us. After a certain amount of time in the zone, we raise our suspicion level too high and the patrols instantly aggro. It just becomes too dangerous. If we stay too long, we are captured then Banished for the rest of the day. There are activities within the cities to reduce suspicion so we can stay longer if we wanted.

Okay now I’m off your team! J/K.

Yeah, I do think it could work fairly well, but it would probably be more significant design than making new instances so Blizzard would have to commit hard. How would you solve the problem of new players / alts who would normally have a lot of communication with the major cities as hubs? They’d also have to rework the quests that involve those with ‘the light’ or create new levelling quests - which could be fun, like cataclysm.

Tack on Turalyon as the person leading it with Alleria be his side and I wouldn’t be surprised if at least a concept of this goes live in 10.0
Problem is they just don’t want to, flesh out an expansion to really feel like things are going down. Instead you’ll see a few little things here or there and bobs your uncle.

I do feel 10.0 can very well be a fight with the light when we get back and that stupid sword better play a part in it with that red star disappearing so we are in trouble as said.

Blizzard did this when they changed the MoP zones to corrupted ones. There is the chromie gnome that you talk to to “Poof” the zone back to what it was like. They could do the same thing.

And with Chromie time leveling, and how you can 1-50 through any expansion, using the “Poof Phasing” once hitting LV 50, you automatically get put into the 10.0 reality.

This would be if they keep re-squishing. Which I think is the plan. Every expansion they squish us again to 50. We can 1-50 through chromie time. Then 50-60 in the new expac. The previous expac gets added to chromie time.

Im not saying it would be easy, and it could definitely be harder than just creating something new. I just think Azeroth has a lot of potential left in it. And I am just not liking these separated island zones we got in Shadowlands.

I guess I missed the official word from Blizzard on that one.