100% skill based pvp... does it even exist?

Yeah I only play FPS games with zero bullet spread. I’m not going to be hindered by that disgusting RNG nonsense that people have come to expect from games! Its unrealistic! /s

Only way to solve this question is if all gear, abilities and consumables were to be completely rendered innert in BGS.

Just give every player that same grey gear and a stick and let them go at each other.

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The major problem with WOW PVP is, it has always been a PVE game first. PVP for them is secondary. So that means, if a class works well in PVE and not so well in PVP, it wont get fixed… Example: DH’s in PVP are so far beyond brokenly OP that its funny to watch. But in PVE I guess they are doing what they are designed to do… So, it will never be balanced for PVP.

Same with Locks… As for tanks, Druids in PVP are so OP as well where I think, Warrior tanks suffer… Then factor in gear and you have the current state…


This is what happened to talents and professions. Because it was cookie cutter in Pve (which by nature is cookie cutter) they removed it because it felt like extra work to meet minimum requirements.

In PVP, players could combine multiple combinations with talents, racials, and professions to make up for weakenesses or to pander to a certain play style.

Hasn’t it always been this way since the game started.

One shot Enh Shaman ? I saw the old videos .

I had forgotten I had written this until someone just liked it… what’s with people liking old posts for weeks, or even months back, that have had no activity otherwise? I’m finding this happens a lot… it feels weird.

Anyway, in this case, I feel it’s apt and actually responds to the statement you made. It’s a bit of a long read, but at least on the gear side, it does offer a similar baseline to what you are saying. For skills though, it’s a lot harder. Having said that, I think starting from a baseline set of gear with a controlled set of options, provides better capability to balance skills with. Perhaps, though, the “unpruning” might have a negative impact on this.

(See second section.)

it’s the game as old as time, man. roll those bones, sometimes you’ll get a set of snake eyes and sometimes you’ll take the money.

RNG is present in everything, to varying degrees. play a game of chess if you want to have a purely logic based strategy game in front of you.

me? i’m gonna roll the bones.

Kind of, but they got pretty close a few expacs ago when they had resilence. You could gear for PVP and classes where close. I mean, you will always have a flavor of the month, its a business model to keep subscribers but where we are now is completely broken…

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nope not in bfa

the reason “WE” dude you dont speak for everybody

No that’s just wrong. If gear is gear, and PvP gear is BiS in PvP then there’s no issues. Once you gather all your pieces from the vendor the gear advantage cannot grow. It’s all about your skill from there. People who want gear to matter are satisfied and people who want skill to matter are as well.

Getting carried by gear seems to be the game for many in some games, guess they know they are too bad to win without it.


I only agree about corrruption and azerite traits.

This is an rpg and we play to work on gears. So i disagree with the ilvl part.

However, may i recommend guild wars 2?

I dabbled in it for a couple of months a few years back. The pvp gears were all cosmetic, and all everyone’s gear were even.

Had some fun, but the classes were quite unbalance… which is like wow as well XD

Yeah but the game has been trash since wod, although pruning was a huge portion.

You should check out swtor. Similar to wow but none of the corruption/azurite traits/grinds you mentioned above. There are gear augments but you pay for those, so you can grind out your credits for the cost anyway you want.

There is a bolster system that increases your ilvl when you enter a warzone so you aren’t a free HK for higher geared players.

Tanks and healers are easier to kill in pvp.

Also in wpvp your character level scales down to whatever planet (zone) you are on, so there is no ganking lowbies because you become the same level that they are, making those fights more skill based.

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Could just go back to WoD/MoP gearing and it would be infinitely better.

  • the story is 10x better than blizzard, and leveling is extremely easy and fast.
    Only downside is there are jedi .
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All of the random essences/azerite traits/trinkets/etc. are just fancy light shows that make PvP even more confusing and pointless.

Or they like progression ,

BFA skill-based PVP was the character creation screen.